Birth Control...?

Is there any oral contraceptive explicitly safe for women who smoke?

What is PMS?

Non-hormonal wall methods: The diaphragm, cervical cap, Lea's Shield, condoms (male or female), combined beside spermicides.

Periodic abstinence (fertility awareness) combined near spermicides.


Copper-only IUD (though this is NOT recommended for women who have not have at least one full-term pregnancy. Additionally, it comes next to a LONG list of adverse side effects).

How to remove tampon when unqualified to come out?

If you smoke then none of the birthcontrol will be not dangerous to take.. I be on the pill for 2 1/2 years an smoked at the time and was okay. My dr told me that as long as im younger later 35 and smoke that it wouldnt be as bad that relatives that are 35 and smoke have a greater risk of a health problem!

Dont do IUDs eather raison d`??tre i had an IUD step through my uterus and had to enjoy an emergency surgery to have it removed!!



The lone safe ones for you are the row methods: condoms, diaphrams, etc.

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