Pain after losing virginity?

I lost my virginity to my boyfriend 6 days ago. we have had sex something like 5 times since then, and in times past few days i'v noticed a dull aching anguish in my right side, like close to where my ovary is. it feels resembling pressure there, and it comes and goes. it is not excruciating or anything, it feel abit like when my period is due to come but i know it is not cos my interval is not due for weeks. we have used condoms everytime we have have sex, can anyone help? Is this normal?

Why is my vagina still bleeding?

You could own sympathy pains as the hymen hasn't completely torn off

Tampon give a hand?!?!?!?

It sounds like everybody have the right idea. Pain after losing your virginity is totally normal, since the vagina muscles are dealing beside new positions and pressure. Depending how big your boyfriend is he might be hitting your cervix. If so, get a maual and try out a few unknown positions! Take a break for a bit and try a cold washcloth around the area to relieve any soreness. If it still hurts in a week consult a doctor, but you really should be fine. Remember to use protection =]

Need serious answers roughly speaking the depo shot?

i dont know psyche have to ask my wife but i cant because im acrossed the country(on a military base) but i think she did but she also have pains like that when she was pregnant(befor we knew) might want to dance to a clinic.theyll do a urine test first then a blood check to see if your pregnant,it should take 1-2weeks.


What is an average interval for your second time and you own a flimsy extent?

No pain is typical!
Slow down girl...give sex a few days off...if the cramp asap and get within to see your Dr.!

Whats your favorite condom?

I cant help But I am sooo sorry that you lost your virginity.That is a big thing to present away.

Who long after a yeast infection can i enjoy relations?

He might have hit something inside. It has happen to me before. If it doesn't get better inwardly the next day I would stir to the doctor

Why category of lube is best for anal?

Yes, totally normal. Don't worry in the order of it.

I really ant to hold an orgasm but I can't.I masturbate but I can't come across to orgasm...any ideas/techniques.

It might just be your body getting used to the new... err, positions you're putting it within.

What is the destiny of pregnancy occuring- condoms & pill?

ya thats normal, don't worry.

Girls- have this ever happen to you?

all right if uve had sex 5 times within 6 days, ur vagina is probably sore. cart a break u horny kids

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