Age of getting spell is getting younger and younger?

do u think that within about 600 years time that girls could start their interval at an even younger age of 2 years old?

Sudden breast growth--is this average?

Girls are definitely getting their period at younger ages, but we would have to silver significantly (like into another species) before we could menstruate at 2 years weak. I've heard that the common sense we get our period earlier is becuase of increased nutrition. I would guess that the age probably will verbs to go down somewhat further. I wouldn't be surprised if in 100 years, the average age be 11.

Early Period?

girls in US are going through puberty an early ages than ever. Hormones in food?

My belly button get iritated and sometimes I get a strong odor? Whats Wrong??

Weird; I work within a school and be just thinking that! So abundant girls are coming into school at year 7 have already started their periods, and even so they're still really just babies. Apparently, much of it is down to substance - I don't understand the science of it, but have more body fat way they're more likely to hit puberty early. I started my period within year 9, when I was 13, and most of my friends with the sole purpose started in year 8.

I don't chew over toddlers will be getting periods!! Maybe girls as childlike as 7 though. It's not fair really.


I'm not so sure but the probability of it up is yes. I know 8year old who are starting to develop breast,underarm smell. things close to that. I got my spell at the age of 11,my mom got it at 9 so I'm not too sure. Most girls are starting puberty younger and younger. I doubt that girls at the age of 2 will take their periods,they haven't developed at toddlers on the other hand,their bodies won't be ready.

What does it plan when your breasts?

I got mine at the age of 11 which i suppose is a little babyish but it doesnt really matter because every1 is different within their own way !

My term hasnt stopped while im on birth control ?

I got mine at ten. The age of first period is dropping because our nutrition is getting better. We own better nutrition now after we have ever have before. It have nothing to do near hormones in milk (they own been contained by milk for a long time now) or an overly-sexualized society (seeing Britney Spears boobs doesn't trigger menstration). It comes down good food contained by plentiful amounts. : )

Could i be menopausal?

I think it's so unmerited when girls start their periods too immature - what a burden on what is essentially still a child. I didn't start mine until I was 17!

Question going on for shaving for girls.?

Think I was purely 11 when I first got mine - which be quite impulsive back consequently, but seems to be average immediately. Yeah, does seem to be getting younger and younger.

My interval came on a coulpe days untimely.And I'm having chest cramp and pain adjectives over?

i didnt hit puberty till 14 and now theres gals pregnant by the age of 13 so it have changed afair bit

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