Smelly foot?

i have really smelly foot, i dont want to ask my mum about it. i dry-clean them every day and darkness but nothing help.!!!

I'm scheduled to hold my period on holiday, can I own it early to prevent man on during holiday?

You most likely own a fungal infection (athletes foot). There are many over the counter anti fungals. Use a per sign instructions.

Wear clean socks every time. Try not to wear the same shoes every afternoon. If you have and wear feeble sneakers, get rid of them and when you hold a new double act don't wear them every day.

Lybrel or not Lybrel?

Brew up some mild iced tea and put your foot in it for going on for 30 minutes a day for a week. "The tannic bitter in the tea will in actual fact tan your foot for a time bit, which will dry it out," he says. "That's handy in reducing the amount of sweat, and the odor as in good health."

Dr. Oz showed this on Oprah. It's supposed to really work!

Why am I so angry and mean during my length?

The first answers was polite but she left out one point... You must then drink that tea because in that are millions of kids in china and etheopia that longing they had that tea to drink.
You could choose alternative B and share your MUM.
English people are wussies.LOL.

GIRLS ONLY: Our term?

You should try washing your foot with Dial. It will gun down the bacteria that cause odor. Change socks every day or wear sandals surrounded by summer. Not plastic ones but leather or suede.

Helpfor women i guess.?

There are antitranspirant creams and lotions.

You can use roll-on deodorant too. It really works.

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