Personal questions...? please for girls individual?

uhm i'm only 14 and i missed my length. i've never had sex or anything approaching that. my mom says it's hormonal change though. i've only have like 4 period soo.. yeah. and is it also normal to enjoy little.. almost zit like spots appearing on your nipples? and i'm also have discharge coming out of my boobs.. i really don't want to sound harsh but i'm kinda freaked...

What is the difference betwwn orgasm and ejaculation?

its acually very regular for a girl your age to skip a month especailly if you've just started your extent your body is just trying to seize into a pattern some women almost predict exactly when their length is going start each month! as for the discarge from your breasts its freshly the development of your milk glands but on that subject i would collaborate to your dr, mom, or another adult you trust

Do herbal supplements that extend to increase the size of your breast work?

Don't worry its faultlessly normal. Your mother is right its merely hormones and your body changing. You are a short time ago like every other 14 year elderly.

Don't worry so much

I am 39 and at dark am always hot and sweaty can this be the starting point of menopause?

ur mom is right.
hav no fear its faultlessly normal to miss a interval if ur new to it...
it take a WHILE for u to hav a normal cycle flow...
dont be freaked...
ur only hitting puberty, thats all...
if ur still concerned, be aware of free to email me, but dont be afraid to talk to ur mom around this.
she is there to relieve u and make u quality better.
she was ur age once too, and experienced adjectives these changes as okay, so she is always in that for u.

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That's just puberty.

I've never go through discharge coming out of my boobs though. I've only missed period.

Sometimes i get a distress in my arm and it become weak solitary for a few minutes even, it happens when im simply?

Yes, it is normal. Not to verbs, it is just hormonal change or your body may be on the weak side. Try to thieve plenty of iron and calcium food to strength your body. As for he discharge coming out from your boobs, you may consider seeing a dr as it could be something serious. Try to check for breast lump and if you do find one, you need to see a dr hastily.

How long is the MENOPAUSE supposed to last ? My wife sit down 5 years ago and she has not get up yet?

You're fine, your body is adjust as you bloom from little girl to young woman. Bring a mini to school for surprise visit as your cycle is sporadic right now.
Also, I'm posting a intermingle for you to visit.

Girls or women plz minister to! seriously:(?

thats disgusting

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