How do you know when your term is going to come?

The last time i have mines was surrounded by January and i was wondering how you discern when you are about to hold it. I can't remember.
and i am not pregnant and january was my first time have it


Day or night?

Your term usually comes every 21 days it is different for everyone.

It can stay for 3 days to a week.

You can schedule close to the daytime if your mark it on a calender.

You may own:
breast sourness
Poor mood swings.
breakouts of acne
Muscle pain

If you find that you are having a sturdy flow period or an irregular time, you can go to the gyno and ask them to put you on birth control.
This may be tough to ask you parents, but explain to them that this will brand you more regular and also drastically decrease the symptoms of have your period.

Not everyones body accept the medications, they may make happen breakthrough bleeding which can last any number of days and this will come surrounded by a brownish colour.

There a free clinics that you can go to which will give you discount rates on these medications lacking the consent of your parents such as planned parent hood,

I think to much! Do you?

1. when u enjoy stomaches
2. cramps
3. u cant control ur bladder
4. ur dripping liquids surrounded by ur undies
5. blood is on ur undie
6. mood swings

Can your period soak in the shower?

for me i quality sick. like surrounded by my stomach.
then i know to hold on to an eye out.
so i wear a thin wipe so im ready.


well sometimes you acquire bloated,or your mood changes. sometimes you will crave confident foods. at least for a couple of days. at most minuscule thats what i did.

Tampon Help!!?

For me I also get an upset stomach and receive tired alot. But when I got my first time of year, they stayed irregular for about 2 years. Sometimes I have one but most of the time i didn't.

What time do you take your BC pill?

Olivia, when you start have your period, it is not other regular. So there really is no method to be sure when it will occur again. Don't verbs, Aunt Flo will come to visit you again...

Please answer im worried?

For me I grasp cranky and tired and I also loose my appetite for food. That's when I know I'm gonna start soon.

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