I regard as to much! Do you?

I have a problem i believe to much! (which makes me verbs to much) I know we all necessitate to and its normal to deem but i do it to much. I have trouble sleeping because of this.

Does anyone else enjoy this problem? And how do u deal near it?

My husband takes 5mins to progress to sleep when we go to bed but it take me well over an hour and anywhere between 2-3hrs. I cant help out but lay there and imagine about former times present and future. Sometimes when i ask relatives what there thinking, they enunciate nothing! I cant remember the concluding time i thought about nought (im not even sure if this is possible)

People say to relax and switch bad our brains but i dont know how!

Any ideas or suggestions?

Im merely 21 and im affraid its going to make me crazy!

My thoughts newly dont seem to stop!


I own a problem with GAINING consignment?

Yes, I think track too much I can think up every possible positive and denial occurence to anything... I can stay up all darkness pondering one simple decision! I found not worrying roughly things you can't change is the first step. Second is only just going with you gut, and realize you can't do anything about anything your thinking until you wake up, and if you don't jump to sleep you will be to tired to wake up and do something around it. Then realize that the simple answer is probably the best one! Reading also helps to bear your mind off the hours of daylight and so you can switch off and relax. procure a good wispy hearted fiction novel I'm reading something borrowed, it help me take my mind out of veracity and relax! Sometimes I read the bible also to let my mind unwind from my daylight to day. Music might also relieve, but sometimes that helps me sometimes it keep me up longer! Whatever it is turn off the computer, cuz you can stay up forever looking at this item!

If you never have sex do you still enjoy to have a pap smear and if you hold that HPV vaccination do you still

OMG ur only just like me, i can't jump down asleep, thats y i'm here trying to tire myself out, lol, i don't know how to deal next to it, usually i'll put some headphones on and i'll leak asleep faster, but otherwise i'll just look up and surmise and think and imagine and look at tha clock and think some more, but consequently again, i like thinking

Strictly obligatory?, for professionals only please?

don't drink coffee or drinks containing caffeine after 6PM
try drinking a cup of heat up milk at bedtime.
Do you sleep in behind, if so set an alarm to get up by 7AM, possibly your sleeping times is being skewed.

If these don't back , go to a down food store and buy "Meletonin"
3MG pills..Take one, 1/2 hour before bed, you will fall over asleep fast but for the first month you may hold VIVID DREAMS, after that any dreams are just mundane ones.

I always have a hard time sleeping and staying asleep, I drink one meletonin every night and sleep speedily and well

Good luck

Is it true that u can get preg. if u hold sex during ur period?

Girl yes! I operate with this on a day by day basis. Everyday I constantly find something to verbs about. It never fail. I guess you could say it kinda controls me. I own this thing where on earth I'll over analyze a conversation I may have have with someone. And seriously, I dissect it and will spend the rest of the hours of daylight thinking about it. I foot extra close attention to people's body spoken communication and to the way they speak, when something seem "out of the ordinary" to me. I"ll be thinking about that and what it would've designed. Now, the only time I own trouble sleeping is when something major may own happened during the afternoon. But yeah, I Try to keep my anxiety contained by check and not let it completely filch over. I have to continually remind myself not to sweat the small stuff and to stop individual so insecure. But that's easier said than done. Well, hoped this helped, some what...

Serious answers please, WORRIED?

I give attention to myself out of the game sometimes. I know how you have a feeling

FOR WOMEN ONLY PLEASE: Does any female no what exactly happen at a post postpartum doctors appointment, afte

I know how you feel and it drives me crazy.I stay up from about10am and will stay up until about 3-4 within the morning.Whats bad is I can't control my thinking.I can't relax I own so much to think more or less.

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