Can hormonal problems basis depression?

I have be up and down for about 9 years. Since I started have kids. Not that they are causing the depression but I remember my hormones get really messed up after my first child was born. I didnt own a period for almost a year and presently sometimes skip a month still. I have SEVERE PMS symptoms (I cant function). It would be such a nouns if this was adjectives just some undemanding hormone fix. Could hormones do all that (hair loss, too). What can be done to fix it?

How to increase my point?

yes you can.. hormonal changes and after have children can be causes for depression. verbalize to your doctor.. maybe birth control.. birth control can help out your mood balance.. you can see if it related.. by going to a site to track your cycle.. afterwards bring that to a doctor.. or you can do self tests you can find online.. what help my depression is exercise.. and anything that can take my mind of my depression really help.

Want to lose 10-15 inches off my waist contained by 2 months?

b/c pill could probably help to fix adjectives that..although i would discuss options beside your doctor as only your doctor can soundly diagnose and treat you

What are those tiny little bumps on womens nipples?

yes=go talk to your Dr roughly this=you could get something to unflappable you down to make it easier to cope

Is it truth that taking birthcontrol pills,usin condoms a sin?

I would suggest seeing a doctor- not a soul on this website is qualified to diagnose or treat any condition you have that surpasses a scab.

Is it average (girls and only girls)?

of course it can, you might inevitability to talk to a psychiatrist and procure one some mood stabilizing med's. You will really benefit from it. trust me hormones will make you crazy!


Absolutely. I started into peri-menopause around 40 years of age and started have weird period, etc. I got so depressed I could not function. I didn't attention to detail about anything or anyone. I talk with my doctor, he put me on some anti-depressents and it made a BIG difference. Go see your doctor and don't suffer anymore, you don't own to.

Who pees faster?

Go and see your gyn. There are medications, diet change, etc. that you can use.

I've been on meds for several years and it help a lot

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