How to loose solidity after a hysterrectomy?

i had a hysterectomy over a year ago and cant loose counterweight with diet and exercise please help

Does this tight anything?

Recover Your Body by Giving It Time and Focus on Eating Healthy-
For the first three months after pregnancy, you should focus on eating clean and nutritious food and concentrate on recovering your body’s energy a bit than thinking of weight loss. It requires adjectives your energy to hold care of the newborn, repeatedly getting up at night for feed. The entire process of pregnancy and the physical trauma of giving birth leave your body exhausted and stressed. It take up to 6 months after pregnancy for your body to return to its normal shape. Therefore, it is key that even if you are not breast-feeding your baby, you inevitability not worry in the order of losing weight during this length.

Feed Your Baby-
A nursing mother on an average produces 850ml of breast milk each time, for which she requires a nutritious diet. Therefore, make sure you follow your doctor’s warning about nutrition, as it is severely important after pregnancy to get through healthy food.

When to Start Weight Reduction?
You can start on a hearty, fat-free diet along with energetic exercise only after 2-3 months after pregnancy, once your spell has returned to commonplace and you no longer feel scraggy. However, aiming for fast shipment loss is not the solution, just aim at losing 1 pound per week, drink nutritious food and consult your doctor.

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