I hold getting this icky ooze contained by my underwear?

not to be gross...but i keep getting this clear and yellowish ooze in my underwear...am i starting my spell? HELP!!

Vaginal infection conceivably?

This should help you decide.

Once you start puberty a white and/or clear, non-foul smelling discharge (mucous) is everyday. The vagina is self-cleaning. You will also have your own 'scent' (musky) and it will smell stronger to you than to others.

This same discharge increases the closer you get to ovulation and when you are sexually aroused. Trust me, you don't ever want it to stir away. Buy and wear pantyliners.

Your normal discharge will turn yellow when it's exposed to nouns. So if it's drying yellow, you are fine. If it's coming out yellow you probably own a bacterial infection.

You can have your normal white/clear discharge for weeks, months or YEARS up to that time getting your first period. Read more here: http://www.kotex.com

Different Types of Discharge:

White: Thick, white discharge is common at the commencement and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, gelatinous white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and means you are ovulating.

Clear and watery: This occur at different times of your cycle and can be particularly heavy after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if gluey or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor.

Brown: May transpire right after periods, and is just "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.

Different types of infections:

Signs of yeast infections:
White, cottage cheese-like discharge
Swelling and cramp around the vulva
Intense itching

Signs of bacterial vaginosis:
A white, gray or yellowish vaginal discharge
A fishy odor that is strongest after sex or after washing next to soap
Itching or burning
Slight redness and swelling of the vagina or vulva

Signs of trichomoniasis
A watery, yellowish or greenish bubbly discharge
An unpleasant odor
Pain and itching when urinating
Most adjectives after your period

Genreally at what age do breasts "stop" growing?

lol no your not starting your period but your getting closer :) what you hold is called vaginal discharge. its just a method of cleaning your vagina. you will probably start your period anywhere from 6months to 2-3 years after you start discharging. talk to your mom roughly speaking it... she will help explain it further.

good luck :)

Labour pains??

You will be starting your term fairly soon hun!! It is vaginal discharge, and it occurs contained by everyone before your period starts. You could get hold of your period in months to years. It adjectives really depends. Just carry some protection with you from immediately on.

Is it undisruptive to wear tampons stale your time?

no you are not going to be starting your period its very typical to girls to have that and its just a road and it will be done in no time and when you start your period you do not receive that so your okay lol

How do you put within a tampon??

You're probably just ovulating. When you ovulate the discharge is stretchy and clear/yellow like egg whites. It last a few days then goes away.

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I've have a discharge for more than a year and a partly? Is that ordinary? Does that imply I'm going to return with my perio

its just discharge. you take before you start your period.

Should i buy platex pantyliners for my 11 year ancient?

It is probably a short time ago vaginal discharge.

Caffeine and period?

Close, use panty liners to soak up your natural discharge.

Can females a short time ago answer please. After sex I find I pee seriously and sometime hold a misery down trough me for one?

it's commonplace. welcome to adolescence/womanhood!

Ketones and breastfeeding?

GROSS! Sounds like vaginal discharge...is at hand an odour? If yes, may be an infection. See a Dr.

What is this lump?

it just discharge <hope I spelled that right> it fine it means you time of year is coming soon

What does it niggardly when you don't win your length for a long time?

hun u will get period soon

Has anyone ever be to a uroligist? Scared to step have need of some proposal?

to be exact discharge so u will most likley get it really soon...talk to ur mom roughly it

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