It might sound weirrd but I've be wondering...?

Can females have raining dreams or something similar?


YES! i was wondering this too, and afterwards read an article about it surrounded by a health magazine. People dont realize it as much since women dont do what men do when they hold wet dreams, but yes, EVERYONE get aroused in their sleep, and it happen during REM sleep. Women's genitals become aroused because of increased blood flow in the area, and you may even remember awareness aroused in your dreams. hope that help.

If i go on the pill dose it sort me gain weight?

lol - yup

What did they do?

yes i presume so

When a female have an orgasm?

yes from what ive been told

My breasts are variety of hard?

Nevr have any? You are missin a lot, honey!

PCOS and Fibroid sufferers lone, poll question?

YES! I've have them!! Not very recurrently, but once in awhile i'll hold a dream about sex and honestly get the impression like I orgasm.

What dose a pervert look at?

yes i supposed. although we won't be releasing some stuff ;)

WhATs ThE RiGht BiRtH CoNtRoL MeThOd?

yes-i enjoy them all the time.he-he!

A request for information about birth control!?

Ya who doesn't reckon about a hot guy and hope when you travel to bed at night you dream something like you and him in some sexy love affair

Having strange inkling during sex, need medical direction?

yes of course

Found out that I hold an Ovarian cyst,going to GYN after ultrasound.What to expect?


Is this a period? ladies just?

I saw this question asked once back and all of the answers be negative (except mine) lol I am glad that you are getting correct answers and the answer is "yes."

How do you own to have a wipe on until you have to transport it off and metamorphose it?

Yes, and a on a few rare occasion they have be wet :)

ORTHO TRI-CYCLIN LO birth control?

Lol yeah. I enjoy a friend who always have "racy" dreams right before she get her period. It's a clearly normal human piece to do.

I don't get my time often?

yes if I have a sexy dream.

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