I enjoy found some strange lumps just inside the orifice of my vagina and have slight niggle low down?


!!~Why a missed period?if i havent done anything?

If you are sexually stirring you need to be checked for STD's. Ghonoreah and Herpes own been set to display lumps inside the opening of the vagina. Either approach see a Gynocologist. These lumps could just be lumps of obese, or they could be uterin polyps. Have then checked out.

Any doctors or nurses out here?

yuck but so see a doctor

How do I make my period light?

Go to the doctor asap

Guys: Do most of you really watchfulness if your female friends or girlfriends enjoy a little cellulite?

I would walk to your gyno. It might be herpes, but more likely it might be HPV. HPV is an STD that almost never is dicey but can lead to cervical cancer from positive forms. This is rare but DEFINITELY worth individual checked for (it can be checked with a simple PAP smear). Either instrument, I would check with your gynocologist.

Pubery lol?

Time to produce an appointment with your doctor. People here can enlighten you what they might think it could be. Likely that will of late freak you out. Your best answer will be from the doc. Good luck!


Just don't wait until your crotch looks similar to cauliflower before you stir to the doctor. What do you tell your man, that they're pleasure bumps?

What do you do if you started your spell for the first time?

doctors and be honest what you have be doing, if they wernt there formerly and they are now, attain to the docs asap

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