No sex drive >.<?
It could be hormonal babe. Had you previously been on birth control? Most feasible it's a hormone imbalance. It will create dryness of the vagina as well as drought of sex drive. Talk to your doctor. They can probably correct the problem. Aside from just fluently happening, are you depressed or stressed out roughly speaking anything? That could cause these things too. Hope this is agreeable hon.
i heard just about this it's your lost of sexual fantasysgo see a sex guru, read a karma sutra book, try exotic things from sex stores...
It could be many things: a gynecological problem, std, or even depression or stress. You could try figure out what really turns you on and use it use it use it and maybe try connecting more on an uncontrolled level when getting intimate. If you still find your have problems (you could try KY too if its just a lubrication issue) fashion an appt with your gyno and explain whats going on.
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