Is this implantation bleeding?

I had originally thought I be late for my extent. I have amazingly sore bb's and have be thining IM preg. Well when I woke up I noticed a basal temp drop and thought it be game over. Then next on at work I noticed I be cramping and went to the bathroom. There be a little bit of brownish and pink colored blood. Then latter on it just go away. It has not come spinal column. I was wondering if possibly I might have miscalculated my cycle. Could this still be implantaion bleeding?

Can you explain to me what happens when you dance for a smear test as i own to go for my first smear tryout ?

Yes- it's possible that it could be. Implantation bleeding usually occurs a bit more rapidly than expected, and it is scanty, spotty, pinkish and not red and filling like a length, and does not follow the normal guide of a period (light to stocky to light). In this case your best bet is to dally at least two weeks after a missed term, and see your doctor for a blood pregnancy test as this is the most accurate channel of testing.

A query about condoms.?

The same piece happened to me-I done up being pregnant-so it could be~good luck!

Polycystic ovarian syndrome!?!?!?

Yes, and since you nouns like you are trying to achieve pregnant, I really hope so. This is a subject near and dear to my heart as I go through trying several years ago, ultimately successful. But, the only concern, today be your only basal temp drop? There are like mad of "early" tests out near, if you can stand the answer, try one. HCG can be detected by some of those test even a few days beforehand your period. Good luck.

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