Help!! medication side effects (vomiting)?

I have a stomach infection and spent sunday dark in the er they give me antibiotics (metronidazole 500mg) to be taken 3x a day next to food. it is listed as the generic for flagyl 500mg. I took it 3x yesterday but I also started birth control pills (loestrin 24 fe) for the first time concluding night. I made sure to devour every time I took a pill yesterday I ate simple things like boiled egg and mac and cheese and bread. soo
I woke up at 8am puking and own felt nasious adjectives day since later...just a sip of river makes me touch like puking but I havent since this morning. I assumed that if the birth control pill made me sick it would have be within several hours of taking it. The side effects for birth control do schedule vomiting but the antibiotics list it also...My parents dont know around the birth control pill because they wouldnt allow it. I will be 18 in 3 weeks so I dont perceive too guilty...The dr said it would help beside ovarian cysts years ago and finally I decided to start it.

Help please im confused?

Nausea and vomiting can be a sign of an allergic criticism, or at the very smallest a systemic intolerence of the antibiotic. Calling your doctor, and letting him or her know that you are having severe nausea is not over react. Hopefully, they can put you on a different antibiotic, and you won't have a fruitless reaction to it. It could be from the birth control pills too, but individual sick to your stomach on antibiotics is very adjectives, and usually they can find one that you don't react to as weakly.

Why did i get my interval twice this month ?

If you called your doctor it would glibness alot of your worries. Its most likely the pill. It made me sick for three days when I started it. But it of late takes a phone call upon..

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