Pap smear?

ok so im 15 years old, and my friends be talking roughly getting pap smears, and one of them is the same age as me, and the other is 16, and they are both going to find a pap smear, and im not, i have no mom, a short time ago a dad, and i dont apsolutly dont want him to take me, and dont want to relay my friends about it, cuz they probably wont believe me so what should i do, should i skulk until i can drive and go capture one by my self, or what please help

Answers:    If you are sexually alive, you want to be on birth control, or you think there's a problem, afterwards you should be getting one now. If not, later you can wait until you are 18.

You can shift to Planned Parenthood. Because your income is most likely exceedingly low at 15 (if you have one at all) your pap smear will be free or massively, very cheap. You don't own to tell your dad roughly speaking it at all that route. That is, if there is a Planned Parenthood within your area. If not, your doctor technically can't transmit your dad what you don't want him to know, but if he pays the bills, then he might digit it out.

But like I said, unless you get together one of the conditions above, just dally until you can drive (or when you're 18).
If you're sexually active you should probably capture a pap smear, or if there's a history of cervical cancer in your inherited. Do you have a clan doctor that you can talk to? If so, enjoy your dad or yourself make an appointment for you and thieve you but have him stay contained by the waiting room, and then cooperate to your family doctor and find out when they ruminate it's the best time to get a pap for your age. And be truthful because they will probably ask if you are sexually influential. You don't need your dad contained by the room and you can request that he not be in the room if he take you. I took my daughter (14) for a physical as she needed it in writ to try out for high arts school sports and the nurse said I was disallowed in the room during a physical. So next to that you can say you want a physical for the appointment.

If you don't want your dad to steal you, you can take the bus, depending on how far your doctors organization is you can take a hackney cab. Ask a good friends mother or if they own an older sister ask her if she can drive you. There are abundant ways to get to the doctor but my best push for would be to talk to your own line doctor as to when they think it is the best time to start getting a pap smear especially since you are singular 15.

Good luck!
As long as you are not sexually active, afterwards you do not have to enjoy a physical and a papsmear until you are at least 18 (or if you hold any problems with your period). Some girls will start going sooner, others latter, but at your age there is zilch to worry going on for. I would just dally until you are older and can budge by youself without your dad. I wait until I was 22, previously having a full physical because I be not sexually active and have no other problems and my doctor told me that it was simply fine to do so. Don't rush it, they can be really uncomfortable, and you can loaf for at least another year to attain one done. well if you suppose you need one! later ask one of your friends mom to take you.. My mom took one of my friends when she be 16 because she lived with her grandpa and her mother lived surrounded by a different state! Dont do it just because your friends are! Paps are not woo hoo fun you know!!
You can other have your dad continue in the waiting room, he doesn't hold to come in near you. Problem solved!!

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