Unusual Stomach Cramps?

I've been have unusual stomach cramps (similar to period pains but a bit more intense) on and stale now for 3 days my time isn't due until next Monday so still 9 days a track.Any ideas what it might be?

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It could be a stomach bug of some sort. keep an eye on it in recent times in shield.

Question for the ladies. real bleak cramps?

ur pregnant. go communicate to a doctor.

What is the safe interval?

Just a thought, have u have a stomach upset recently? similar to diarrhoea. Last time I had a stomach upset / bug it turned into Irritable Bowel Syndrome, only until the infection cleared. It went away near a dose of Yakult, the bacterial milky drink.

Is it normal to quality a little dizzy when on your extent?

I had a girlfriend who have this same problem, if the cramps were a moment or two more severe than they are with your time or get worst after you length, then I would consider seeing a doc. She have ovarian cyst and her cramps became so severe that she have to get the cyst removed. On the other paw I had a cyst and it go away on its own. Ovarian cyst are very adjectives and sometimes don't even show symptoms.

16 and my period still isnt regular?

It is unyielding to say lacking examining you, but some ideas may be: pregnancy, ovarian cyst (these are not cancer), gallbladder problems or a stomach virus.

Monthly time?

I have this once but i was contained by agony, i couldn't walk it even hurt to breathe because the affliction in my tummy be so bad. I go to doctors and was told i have probably developed a cyst during ovulation and it should ease by the time my term comes and it did even though i had really bleak period! If the spasm becomes too much afterwards go to the doctors but if its ok next wait to see what it is similar to after your period.x

So why do i hold the bathroom runs the fluttering and the cramps and feel close to theres something in my vagina?

I've been have the same piece for the last 6 weeks presently, and I've had satisfactory. The docs first suspected appendicitis, so send me to A&E, they said it be a urine infection, and gave me anti-biotics. Went to my own GP a week latter and was told that the infection have cleared. I'm still getting the pains, am beginning to regard it could be IBS, if your worried, see your GP.

Good luck

What do I do about this blood?

It's NORMAL !!

When ancestors want to be pregnant do they have to hit the few days contained by a month they can be pregnant on ( but 3-4 days )

and it's in the middle of the extent and about 1-2 weeks up to that time the bleeding the egg are going down in your body and it can give you cramp.

The cramp you own is from the egg going down in that tiny pipe and the body can react to want to be ride of the egg by cramp.

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i have d same cramps 4 days and turned out i was pregnant so enjoy a test done surrounded by a few days time

I'm 5'6'' and 100 lbs. I eat adjectives types of food, but can't seem to gain an ounce.?

I start to carry period pains nearly a week before i attain them. I just have an idea that of them as a warning that they are coming

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