Severe strain near departed ovary?

My cycle isn't due for another week or so but for the past two weeks i hold been have severe pain on my departed side near my ovary..have anyone had this experience in the past and if so what did it turn out to be?

I need to shed some tears. Any suggestions?

I would guess you are ovulating. That can be distress in one ovary. But it shouldnt' finishing two weeks.

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My girlfriend had that problem and it be nothing serious we go to the doctor and he said to drink lots of water and exercise.

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You probably hold a functional cyst on your ovary. Most resolve spontaneously. If you continue to own pain you should see your GYN.

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Ok it is one of two things: first you hold a cyst and it has gotten irritated or have burst (not that big of a deal unless the twinge is excruciating in which crust go to the er), or two, you are ovulating and the egg that be supposed to have come out may own gotten stuck or something. My friend had that come about b4, in any grip if the pain get any worse I suggest you get to the ER without hesitation cause you get to be careful when it comes to our equipment. One wrong move and we could never know how to have kids. That is what happen to me, I didnt get treatment when I be questioning it, and very soon cause of it I cant hold kids, so if you are wanting kids, I suggest you really weigh your options and trust your gut instinct it's in attendance for a reason.

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