What is the safe time of year?

What is a women’s ‘safe period’ for sex. Is it safe to have sex lacking any precautionary measures?

For girls and women only?

The risk-free period for sex is one week up to that time and one week after menstruation were considered relatively undamaging earlier. However, this length is no more considered totally “safe” today. It would be wiser to use condoms or low dose oral contraceptive pills during sexual intercourse.

Enjoy Life

Can u have sex when u are preg?

no never. Always use protection caus in that is no safe length. a womans body is very unpredicatble and she can get hold of pregnant at anytime.

Girls and guys help?

I have a regular cycle and used the "avoid one week before and after ovulation" method. Now I hold two daughters. They were tremendously much wanted but if you beyond doubt can't become pregnant, try another method.

Okay, I need some give support to or tips advice or something?

you can hold sex anytime. use a condom.

Is there any tablets that can gross females suddenly active for sex?

in my book-there is no "sheltered period".

your cycle can fluctuate without admonition (things such as medication and stress can effect it) and the time you think you are safe-you might not be.

if you're have sex and you don't want to get pregnant-USE PROTECTION. and even pills and condoms aren't a guarantee (i get pregnant w/my last 2 girls on the pill and i never missed taking one).

the safest path to NOT get pregnant is to not own sex but always use protection-no event what.

my tubes were tied surrounded by 2003 to prevent me having more kids but i still cart birth control pills as an added protection. i love my kids dearly but they are alot of work very expensive.

What happen when you have S** for the first time?

The best time to enjoy sex is after you have have your periods produce its less liklely but odnt doubt it you can still take pregnant anyway really...If you want me to go contained by further detail i can just right to be heard soo

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