Im on my spell... what are good things to get through?

okay i just get my period on MON, and i ate Chinese that daylight and after i got authentic sick, idk if it was because of the food self greasy, and that might upset my cramps /tummy ach even more? or because of the heat and humidity within my state?

but anyway... right now im adjectives and i dont know what to eat, i dont want to chomp through the wrong thing and take home my tummy hurt even more...i hear ice cream is perfect .. but is it really? how about yogurt? i dont resembling it but if it works ill munch through it because i have such discouraging cramps now,. i cried myself to sleep... it hurts so doomed to failure now... i own a heating wipe on now and lately took motrin, so hopefully it will work... but yea what is the best thing to guzzle when my cramps are this bad? and when my tummy hurts this unpromising? please if anyone has anything they do share me

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I've never hear of Chinese making somebody sick just because you're have your period! Might own been the warmness and humidity, I can hardly put away anything when it's really bad. Yogurt and rime cream are both excellent choices. Dairy foods are full of calcium, which helps some population's cramps. Poor baby, the heat pad and motrin are really fitting choices. I have hear lots of theories on things that will help. Some reports influence vitamin E capsules serve relieve cramps, and some people read aloud it's Omega 3's that work. I recommend a good multi-vitamin/mineral supplement, and a suspended diet. If you like fish, devour all you want. If you don't (like me), you can embezzle Omega 3 suppplements, fish oil capsule, or add ground flax kernel to your food. It goes apposite in oatmeal (warm food help relieve cramps, too). Flax seed is a severely healthy entry to add to your diet. It doesn't drink too bad, any.
You also want to get plenty of iron. Good choices are red meat, shady leafy greens (like spinach), and soybean products.
There are homeopathic cures. Chasteberry, Elderberry, and so on. If you go the unprocessed route, read a lot so you know what you're doing, or find a form food store with a markedly knowledgeable clerk. Even colloquial products can hurt you if misused.
The Mirena IUD greatly helps eat up cramping, and Seasonale pills reduce your period to once every 3 months, instead of every month. They are making ones now especially to back with the cramps, what a wonderful entity! Just because you didn't like one doesn't plan they're all unpromising, you just hold to find the right one for you, and let your body adjust, it isn't instant.
The closing and maybe best prospect, go to the doctor. Your cramps shouldn't hurt that desperate. Ask him or her to test you for fibroids, endometriosis, or anything else they can muse of that might cause this. If they can't find any inflict, they should be able to prescribe something stronger for the misery, but there should be a inflict, especially if it didn't used to hurt so bad. I bring back them bad, too, so I sympathize. Good luck, Hon.

Don't know why I surface embarrased when I buy my bras (by myself) help me to overcome this!?

bananas are polite for cramps
stay away from caffine
Use a heating pad
you might want to parley to your doctor about birth control if they are really fruitless like mine because that's what I'm more or less to do but you might want to get something minus really bad side affects

Girls sustain only?

during your length try to eat as little out to drink as possible and if your in a rush and hold to stop at like McDonald's draw from a chicken salad and a classic coke diet soft drinks don't help. and when you chomp through at home eat lots of fruits and veg table and food like spaghetti and tortuous drink really really healthy food, try not to return with sucked into cravings.

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Anything with IRON surrounded by it. You are losing blood right now, so you are losing iron also. Try to guzzle bananas and any other friuts and veggies that you like.

Do not munch through anything greasy, fried, or anything with caffine. Those things will brand name you hurt worse.

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Regarding when you were on the pill, it sounds close to your Dr. prescribed a progestin only pill. These will habitually times eliminate your time all together which is what various women want. With your cramping being so severe I would yak with your Dr. again and see if within is a different option for you. There are several different brand with varying degree of hormones. You may need to use a combination pill next to estrogen and progesterone to keep your cycles more fair. It may take some trial near certain pills but once you find the right one you will expected be happy beside your decision.

Regarding what to munch through. You need to at the remarkably least cart an iron supplement just prior and during your time. Also each foods near a higher iron content. When your blood is low on iron you lose your enthusiasm and then cravings start which is why women recurrently times resort to candy, chocolates for a quick fix. This could explanation your blood sugar to drop even lower once the quick fix is gone which may construct you feel nauseated.

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