Is near a circumsicion process for girls?

If so, how is it done and what happens to the girl's item?

I accidentally slept in my bathingsuit? and how do you pronounce dior? [lol]? these websites.

GIRLS.How aged were you when get your peirod?

no theres not

Are there some people who simply can't take birth control?

Female genital adjectives (FGC) refers to the excision or tissue removal of any part of the womanly genitalia for cultural, religious or other non-medical reasons.

The possession FGC does not refer to gender reassignment surgery or the genital modification of intersexuals.

I have a misscarige 6 years ago is my uterus clear i dident go to the doc about the misscarige can i enjoy child

Yes there is.......and it's BARBARIC! They remove her clitoris.

I enjoy an eggy odor coming from my vagina when i use the restroom and my urine is cloudy> what could this be?

Today, an estimated one hundred million women have undergone the sexual mutilation. It is perform in oodles African countries, including Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Chad. It is also a tradition among Muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia, and in a number of countries surrounded by the Middle East, including Egypt, the UAE, and parts of rural Saudi Arabia. Coptic Christians in Egypt and animist tribes in Africa as well as Muslims, go through the ritual.

More than 90 percent of Sudanese women undergo the most severe form of circumcision, certain as "pharaonic," or infibulation, at the age of seven or eight, which removes all of the clitoris, the labia minora, and the labia majora. The sides are next sutured together, often beside thorns, and only a small matchstick-diameter pipe is left for urine and menstrual flow.

The girl's legs are tied together and liquid are heavily rationed until the incision is heal. During this primitive yet principal surgery, it is not uncommon for girls, who are held down by womanly relatives, to die from shock or hemorrhage of the vagina, urethra, bladder, and rectal area may also be tattered, and massive keloid scarring can obstruct walking for time. After marriage, women who enjoy been infibulated must be forcibly penetrated.

This may pilfer up to forty days, and when men are impatient, a knife is used," recount Sudanese women at a conference that I attended several years ago in Cairo on the "Development of Women contained by the Islamic World." They also told of special honeymoon centers built outside communities so that the "screams of the brides will not be hear." At this time also, the risks of infection and hemorrhaging are high. During childbirth, the mutilation tissue must be cut and the opening enlarged, otherwise mother and child may die. In the mid-eighties, American Nursing magazine begin advising medical practitioners within the United States how to treat such patients, since the influx of women from countries where circumcision is standard expected that U.S. health-care providers were very soon seeing them in hospitals here. And if such cases are not handled correctly, crucial complications can ensue. The tradition of female circuincis'on in masses countries is so strong that circumcised women even in the United States usually request reinfibulation after respectively delivery.

Hi everybody i would approaching to know which TAMPONS are for VIRGINS:) oooops:)?

Yes there is, I won't budge into the details of the procedure.
I will tell you this, it robs the womanly of any sexual pleasure, it is unnecessary and absolutely wrong. It can also wreak health issues for the feminine later surrounded by life, because it's a form of mutilation.

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