I have a leep procedure done on my cervix on jan 31,07 becasue i had precancerous cell on it ...?
those precancerous cells be caused by cervical dysplasia and not by HPV. presently im having unusual cramping and strange aches and pains. i also enjoy pain/ uncomfort during sex . can it come back? or what else could it be? im 18
Please help
I enjoy been getting these headaces everyday for in the order of a month now?
You shouldn't be have pains this far out from the procedure. Make an appointment to see your OB/GYN on Monday!
it can return, my daughter have to have a pap every six months, but her leep seem to work well. budge to the gyno and talk and bring it looked at again if need be.
Want to know going on for duphaston?
Yes, they can come back at anytime! I have pre cancer cells on my cervix as economically, which are hereditary within my family. I have 3 leep procedures done and they kept coming back. This go on for about 4 years, so finally after have my children, I have 2, the doctor told me that I could try the up to date shot they have to prevent the cancer on my cervix or he could do a hysterectomy. I have already had my tubes tied so I know I wasn't having anymore children, so I chose the hysterectomy and I am 25. Please do not humiliate this, talk to your doctor almost the shot they have out. Good Luck!!