If you have had a hystorectomy do you still need to have a pap smear?


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If you enjoy a total hysterectomy and the cervix is taken out (this is the usual surgery nowadays) consequently you don't involve Paps. However, if the surgery is done because of a cancer diagnosis afterwards you do still stipulation regular Pap smears. If you don't entail Paps, later you still involve pelvic exams to check on the ovaries if they are still in attendance.

Actually, most commonly the cervix is taken out especially if the surgery is done by an OB/GYN. Some standard surgeons may confer on the cervix bringing up the rear because it is easier to do so.
And to the other answerer who said that you should still own paps to look for other infections, that's crazy because explicitly not what Pap smears are for.

Do I own a LOT of vigour problems or not?

If you still hold your cervix, consequently the answer is yes.

Ovualting - can i ovulate from both sides?

In common, yes.

The cervix is usually vanished contained by place, simply because it's technically a much more difficult procedure to remove it along next to the uterus.

A friend of mine requested that that be done when she have a hysterectomy, and this be the explanation that be given to her for not doing so. And as you would expect, if you still enjoy a cervix, you can still develop cervical cancer.

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It would be the 'smart' entry to do..
Just because you enjoy most of your parts removed near a
hysterectomy, you can still catch indisputable deseases and bacterial infections down near.
So yes, own pap smears!
Better to be undisruptive than sorry..

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