Period problems!!?

i just turned 15. i started my period second year and it was never regular. i had it approaching every 4 months really light for only 3 or 4 days, next i stopped playing sports and i started to have it every month really heavy for 6 or 7days. powerfully in february it was still regular but it started to last 8 days. around march i have it in the begining of the month and at the end. surrounded by april i had 2 and 1/2 weeks after my last one. and no i hold it again about 17 days later. this is really freaking me out. i can't speak about my mom because she is never home at the same time i am. oh yeah i had to be in motion to a gyno. for the gardisal thing about a week and a partly ago. ( i am not sexually active either and don't plan to be until i amout of highschool and conceivably college).do ineedbirth controlandifso when i go to the doctor what will she have to do?

Will i start growing soon?

You requirement to schedule another appointment with your gyno. This time be completely honest and ask adjectives the questions you need to ask. It might relieve to write them down so you don't forget anything. It's possible your periods were oil lamp because of the exercise. It's not normal, but this happens when you are overworked physically. As for the mass and length now, you would def have to ask a professional. It could be various things or this could just be the normal for you. Make sure you are documenting every term, ie. how long it lasts, how heavy/light the flow is.

Missed Period HELP?!?

It's very commonplace for your period to be unpredictable the first few years you have it. Very annoying, but majority. If it's really bothering you, you should talk to your mom and/or your doctor-the doc can give you the best direction for your situation. My daughter had very rough and heavy periods almost from the time she started. She started taking birth control pills to relief with that when she was give or take a few 17, and that really helped her out. Plus it helped clear up her skin!

Do you get hold of more bloated at the start or finish off of your interval?

Womens bodies womens prudence by Christine Northrup is an excellent book which links your daily life to your cycle Overviewing adjectives aspects of the complex process you are in.
She offers option by giving hands on solutions and insights to difficult mental & physical situations related to your cycle

Period every ten days?

I found.?
Does this stuff work?
Condom slipped rotten, but he hadn't ejaculate all the same...morning after pill prescription for a 15 year old-fashioned?
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