Really scared. please abet me.?

Getting married in a week, and NEVER had sex in the past. I asked my Fiance is a virgin and says it is ok we will numeral it out then. But I hear that it hurts. Does it and if so how bad? ANd does the misery go away after awile. I also did not be aware of comfortable disgusing this topic face to facade with any one.


i be scared my first time but to make clear to u the truth it didnt even hurt like everyone say it try to not be to worked up over it and if you are relaxed it will be better ..good luck and congrats..

What's the decree on yaz birth control?

Yes, it does hurt the first few times. Your man will have to be kind.. which I am sure he will be if he is a virgin and he loves you. Take it slow and use lubrication. You will be fine, it gets ALOT better. Good luck!

What are the reason for short light term?

I do not know, but if your husband loves you why will he hurt you? I think it would be fear-provoking.

Just started the pill - bleeding - help?

Sorry still a vigin. =) dutiful luck though

My bras are causing skin irritation?

It is somewhat bit uncomfortable at first but that last just a few minutes. After that relax and you'll savour it I'm sure.

Remember practice makes reliable.

Hi i am 15, 5'10 and weigh 137 pounds..whats my BMI?

ok sex deosn't hurt unless it is rough sex.just hold simple sex.after you reach your sexual pleasure fell it my hurt a little approaching your weak and errie.after your orgsm stop.because it will hurt.

Miscarriage request for information?

If you do enough foreplay after it shouldn't hurt too bad.. It may hurt the first few times but if it hurts anymore after the fierst few times consequently he is either too rock-hard on you, too big, or there is merely not enough foreplay.

I am trying to conceive but couldnt due to block tubes what can i do.pls i own tried ivf and it failed?

First, congrats on both person virgin - almost unheard of these days. Yes, it might hurt rather and you will bleed some. But never fear, it won't hurt that fruitless. Just tell him to progress slow and easy, and you will both savour the experience more.
Congrats on your wedding.

If you hold a third nipple do you have equal sensations as you do in the other two??

You should not be like a cat on a hot tin roof. If you are comfortable with him everything is fine, and especially if he already know you are a virgin. It hurts for some women, not all, it depends on certian things and the two peoples physical properties. And if it does hurt how much will also alter according to the person. Dont be uptight everything will be fine just agree to life purloin its course!! And of course the aching goes away!!

Plase give a hand mevery confused!?

Get some K Y Jelly and take it smooth at first. It won't hurt that much and will stop hurting very soon. It is not a disgusting subject. It is a charming part of love and go.

How to gain weight if your too skinny?

It going to hurt, but it is worth it next to some one who you trust and love. Plus it will get better next to time!!

Early perods in infantile women whats up?

Wow, it's great that you are a virgin. OK to the questions, yes it will hurt but not alot. Tell your husband to be in motion slow and be sure you are lubricated lots. good luck

I don't own periods. But if i filch a garlic pill several days in a row i will start it.?

that is awesome, i am hollow their are people similar to you, you get to integer it out with someone you love and who loves you, and you will numeral it out, it might hurt at 1st but you'll learn.

Im illergic to condoms what should i use?

it one and only hurts the girl, which sucks but im a guy, but it only hurts the first 2 times according to my gf. she said it hurt the first 2 times but it also feel really good. so its worth taking the hurt the first couple of times so the other times will consistency really good!

Egg Donation?

It does kinda hurt and the cramp fades really fast; i admire you for one brave and waiting till you got married... i hope adjectives goes all right for you; don't worry the niggle will fade completely during intercourse each time you do it so soon the misery will be non existant

How much does a woman shrink in her lifetime?

It hurt me a lot the first time, but I be too tense from anyone so nervous. Just build sure you relax and use a ton of lubrication. I wish I would enjoy waited until I be married. That's sweet. Good luck!!

So if im on birth control what happens to the eggs?

Please don't verbs so much. The fact that you can't discuss this topic obverse to face beside anyone I think is a problem; you should try to take the edge off up a little so that you can discuss these things next to people who are close to you. Especially your fiance!
It does hurt a terrifically little bit the first time, and it goes away terribly fast (about 30 second for me). You can keep have sex if you can make it through the initial throbbing, which is not very desperate. Like getting a shot, or getting pinched.
However, if you are not relaxed I think it may hurt more. Talk beside your fiance about your fears, and I reflect he is right you will both figure it out. Just relax and agree to your love for him take you to that instinctive place.

Painful Oral Sex?

Congrats, I'm getting married in a week too. Congradulations on waiting as fiance and I nearly made it...we have sex for the first time a few months ago.

It is different for everyone. Some women feel lots of pain(I did) some don't have a feeling any. Use lots of lubricant and remember foreplay as this will help you catch a natural lubricant and will relax you. Part of the anguish comes from your muscles down there getting stressed making the vaginal hole smaller which makes infiltration harder to accomplish.

The pain will eventually run away...I still feel agony in the begining but not nearly as bleak as the first few times.

Good luck.

Does orange liquid cause bladder infections?

It hurts in the begining, and you will be aware of guilty and panicked, after mabey the third time you will soak up it more, you will be hooked then! ;)

Does anyone know of any upright breast reduction excersizes?

You are one awesome woman. Kudos to you. I've only particular one other person, who be a virgin, when she got married. My friend have no problems, she actually have one heck of a wedding dark. It was an star-studded story. I have beyond a shadow of a doubt that it would make you blush! I mull over that sex is far more comfortable when you are older, and more prepared. It's a far more mental than physical experience. You'll enjoy a wonderful time!

I bleed during S*X?

congradulations on your wedding. sex will hurt a bit the first time. but as the two of you do it more, you will be more relaxed, and it will not hurt or bother you as much. the first night, the two of you should purely try to relax a little, will brand it easier for the both of you. the insides of your thighs might also be a little sore, but that to will move about away. soon, the two of you will know how to respond to each other, and soak up each other. once again, congrats

This is a really awkard but serious put somebody through the mill. girls only please =(?

It will hurt but basically go slow. Dont of late jump within there and assume its going to be a passionate hardcore sex hours of darkness. It will hurt a little but the backache will go away. Just use like mad of lubricant to help allay the pain of him going in you. Congrats!

People expect I am a little big. It is embrassing to me. I don't surmise I am. What should I do about this?

The first time be a little humiliated..but you have a great guy, y'adjectives are in love, and will amount it out slowly (unlike me where it wasn't my husband and a HUGE mistake). Just take your time and when that moment is right, both of you will know.

Waht is the best ?

Congratulations on getting married!

I'm a guy, and the finishing thing I want to do to the woman I love is hurt her. The certainty that your getting married probably means he have your best interest at heart, too, and wants this to be special and not alarming.

Just take it slow. I'll defer to the women who answer, but my perception is that it may hurt a little the first time, especially if your hymen is intact, but the pain manifestly goes away.

You may also consider a moment or two additional lubrication the first couple times.

Don't verbs. He sounds like he's forgiving. Keep in mind most empire wouldn't have sex adjectives the time if all it did be hurt.

Best of luck on your marriage and your put somebody through the mill

Vaginal help?

Dont verbs about it. Just relax. It will hurt much more if you're hesitant.
It does hurt, but not as much as you seem to suppose. And the pain doesn't even end long.
So all you and your husband want to so is to take it slow. Get to know respectively other's body. Get intimate and keep things slow until the both of you perceive comfortable enough to gain things going.
Trust your instincts.
But most of all, relax. There is zilch to be afraid of.
Good luck with everything. I yearning you the best!!

I took an after morning pill and this is what happened?

How old-fashioned are you? If you cannot discuss sex face to facade with anybody, are you really primed for marriage?

In answer to your sound out, it is different for everybody. A lot depends on the size of the man's penis, how much lubrication there is, how easy-going he is, etc. I would say it is mortified but not what I would call horrible throbbing. If you are with someone who loves you and doesn't want to hurt you, he will move about slow and stop if it is too painful. If he isn't that compassionate of a guy, maybe you shouldn't be marry him.

Bottom line, you are worrying almost the wrong thing. Sex is the easiest part of the pack of marriage. Best of luck to you.

White discharge??

I hold to say I envy you! Congratulations on your nuptials! It does hurt a little surrounded by the beginning but I'm sure your husband will be soft with you and the stomach-ache doesn't last long at adjectives. Before you know it your husband will have to solicit for mercy! Again, congrats and may GOD bless your union.

Cerazette Mini Pill - Advice Please?

my personal assessment,,which might seem irregular, is that to go to your honeymoon next to fear instead of fitting and loving curiosity, could cause slight disconfort on both people.i would suggest in your defence,,, no one to know,,, is to practice for a few days beside a proper lubricated tool of your choice, and just undo way for the adjectives of your lover. any disconfort will be your own experience and not to be shared with someone else, on a special darkness...remember all bodies are different so its not true that it hurts,,, solely to some women.
you should read a few books that will give you an model of how a man is in bed,,, its your situation to train him,,, not for pleasure but for shared respect one for the other. anything that is said within bed can become a lifetime curse if improperly said,,,even if no injure was designed,,,so think since and arrange your words so they will not be mis-understood...remember behind every great man is a great woman..a word of direction is that marriage is 10% sex and 80% communication,,,upright people can survive adjectives ups and downs of marriage if they generate communication their priority in their wedding..wish you powerfully,,angel guasch ( married man )

How long does it usually take a guy to come?

It depends.. for some women it hurts for others it doesn't. It does get the impression uncomfortable.. but i reason as you have wait until marriage it wont hurt much.

Just remember to clutch it slow and relax. Do lots of foreplay and lube. Enjoy the moment with your tentative husband and relax (most important).. it won't feel well brought-up until a couple more times but you will be glad you waited

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