Can you acquire "tight" again?

When you get "loose" from have sex, after a while, if you don't, will you get "tight" again?

Birth control pills?

My wife have had 3 kids one of which be 10lbs. she exercised and got backbone into shape I think she placed a volleyball between her legs and squeezed it for 15min. a daylight when we have sex and she orgasms she almosts breaks it sour in nearby.Now if your talking your subsidise side I have no model how you tighten that.

What are some signs that it is clearing up ?

do kegel exercises

How do you tell if you enjoy a small or large vagina?

yes it will tighten some,but i suggest kegals,the doctors bring up to date mothers who have vaginal births to use kegals to tighten things put money on up down there..the best bearing to describe a kegal is when you have to pee,and you are try to 'squeeze bad' the urine flow..after you get practiced adequate to do that with smoothness you can do it whenever without any outer signs that you are doing anything of the sort,not a soul can friends used to do them contained by class,i knew when she did it impose she always have this bee eating grin on her facade when she did

What does it feel approaching to have an orgasm?

Well it depends on your body. I usually return with tight after my periods but i m sure that if i be to stop sex for a whole year i can become really could try that

embezzle care

Chlorine vs. FaceWHO WILL WIN? HELP!?

The vagina is immensely stretchy. Just haveing sex isn't enough to loosen it

A hastily way to lose 10 pounds within 3 days?

Unless the 'looseness' is due to an episiotomy during pregnancy, or some other similar operation, any looseness experienced after frequent intercourse can be corrected by abstinence or a curtailing of intercourse. The vagina have an amazing elasticity, with the fitness to accept objects of varying sizes. While studies own shown that a conscious regimen of tightening of the vaginal muscles are of some help when attempting to correct surgical situations, this tightening will pretty much simply come into play when said muscles are tightened during intercourse.

A question almost the pill?

yea after a few years

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