Vaginal sustain?

I have be having this burning not from inside, but outside, it feel like a cut, is it possible to own a small cut in near? it isnt too bad, but is irritated when i urinate, also i dont enjoy std's. It started after I would get a shower, could the soap enjoy irritated it so much it got rare?
Need some help. Will vagisil relief also?


It sounds like the soap. That happen to me sometimes-hey at least we are nice and verbs!

I know this is grose but i need comfort?

Vagisil is for yeast infections and should not be used unless you have already be diagnosed by a physician as having a yeast infection (so that you certify the symptoms with subsequent infections). Burning outside the vulva is one of the possible symptoms of a yeast infection. You did not speak if you are sexually active, which could organize to other causes of burning. Most soap irritation is inside to some extent than on the vulva.

What could this be? irregular bleeding,pain lower than ribs, green stools?

See a Dr. for a prescription sounds like a vicious Yeast infection!

Help! i dont know!?

with the info you describe it could be anything, poor hygiene B/V, yeast infection, while some products can produce an allergic reaction such as feminine deodorant spays it would mean a larger area of coverage, that's why I assume it"s vaginal related

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