I am not pregnant, but I havent had my time of year for 6 months. Why?

I know for sure that I am not pregnant, and I am just confused as to why I havent have my period for so long. I approaching not having it, but surely it cant be middle-of-the-road can it? My doctor doesnt seem to worried roughly it. She hasnt done any tests or anything, so I'm not really worried, but more curious. Can anyone contribute me some ideas as to why this is going on?

Women over 40, is menopause as bad as they say aloud? and do you really dry up?

It would help to know your age contained by order to answer your examine. If you are still in your teens, your hormones may not enjoy stabilized. If you are in your 40s or after that, you may be peri-menopausal. In either casing, missing periods is relatively normal.

Other reason: Are you a big exerciser? Women who exercise...a lot...are particular to stop menstruating until they ease bad on their routine. Are you under seriously of stress right now? Are you dieting extremely? The body have a unique size to know when it is NOT a good time to enjoy a baby. It simply purely stops the menstrual cycle so it can't.

Have you recently come sour your birth control pill? It's not unusual for menses for stop for as much as a year.

If the answer is "no" to all of the above, after we are probably talking almost some type of hormone imbalance. Did your doctor check your hormone level?

My final thought to you is this...NEVER assume that if the doctor doesn't seem to be concerned, neither should you. I'm not motto there IS anything to verbs about, but YOU necessitate to know what is going on. It's your body. A busy doctor with a boatload of patients doesn't necessarily know what is historic to you or in your best interest. Ask him what is going on.

How can I?

Go to a doctor. That sounds baddd

Unable to bring pregnant !!?

Were you on the pill,did you take the depo?That could be the object why in some cases.

Yeast infection?

two things that could end in this is being on the depo shot for birth control, or person very underweight.

My mum have this big tummy?

You didn't say how frail you are. Or how much you weigh.

If you're very scraggy your period can stop. Or you could be going through menopause.

I own a womanly question?

Are you on Birth Control? Some women's bodies act in response differently with Birth Control cause them not to have period at all. If you come across worried, go to a second dr. Explain whats going on and ask that they do some test.

If I had a yeast infection and it be treated does my boyfriend have to be treated also so it would not return

ASK your doctor why it's stirring - or not happening as the casing may be.

Your cycle depends on lots of things like your age and consignment and tons of other things, but since you've already been to see your doctor why not in recent times ask her why she thinks you're not regular any more!

My first extent is REALLY heavy.why?

Your time of year can stop sometimes when you take contraception, approaching the injection...or perhaps you're childish & it's not regular yet?

I'm on my first cycle of BC Pills..taken 3 sugar pills, no extent. Normal?

The misconception out there is that if you don't enjoy a period something must be wrong beside you. In fact, near are some studies that show that women do not need to hold a period respectively month. In fact, if you are not trying to conceive, what would you requirement it for? Your doctor is probably not concerned because your overall health is upright and there doesn't come across to be any reason to run closely of expensive tests.

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im not really sure either. my friend have the same problem but her doctors werent worried almost it either. it did intervene eventually.. she said she started taking iron and it slowly went put money on to normal. im not sure if it be really the iron though.

Beach and hair?

you must jump to another doctor as soon as possible .It is not normal.Maybe you enjoy a hormone problem

Is it normal to hold a lot of anguish after sex if you hadnt had sex in resembling 2 years and bleeding?

Has she done tests to be definite?

Then do tests to be persuaded

Idk if this is tmi, but i have a bump on my clitoris that itches abundantly!?

Depending on your age you can be pre-menopausal.

Have you heard of anyone doing this?

R U A guy

Fertility vitamin for men?

Well first of adjectives this question cannot be answered in need knowing your age,very high-status.

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Just to let you know I did not own mine for 7 years and I found out I did have a problem and a Doctor told me matching thing and I did enjoy a problem and in certainty I had a couple of problems and If the doctor have told me right the first time maybe I would not consistency they way I touch now. To be on the sheltered side you should be checked out. For 2 years I had to budge through test and I did not close to it and I am glad I went through it because very soon I am able to turn on knowing what was wrong so if it happen again I will know what I will have to travel through because someone told me the truth and thats all it take.
Endometriosis,Ovarian cysts,Polyps can cause a Womans cycle to stop or even Prematurely Menopause.

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do you run alot?! my friends sister havent gotten her period within a long time and the doctor saids its normal for a runner? soo i suggest going to a doctor

Help me please!?

you are turning in to a guy

Period will raison d`??tre bulky uterus? Isn't common to hold bulky uterus if there isn't any spasm?

it could be stress. the same article is currently happening to my cousin. haha. resembling she hasnt had hers within 6 months either. but she have been beneath alot of stress. that could be the problem. also, if you have an drinking disorder & your not eating, that could also be the impose of it.

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