If you have the Mirena IUD (and especially if you're over 35), what do you suppose of it?

Hubby & I have be married 14 years, 13 of which has be spent with no birth control -- trying lacking actually really trying to win pregnant. I'm 38, and he's 42. We decided that we don't want any more children (I enjoy one 17-year-old daughter from previous). We've assumed he's sterile for the last 10 - 12 years. I am anemic from my menstrual flow. Doctor suggested Mirena IUD for its side-effects of helping to control flow, plus the added benefit of a birth-control method. I know Mirena have progesterone but no estrogen. I'm a little worried in the order of having it at my age. Also, are the likelihood pretty good that it will support with the amount of bleeding and cramping? I will be going for an ultrasound & mammogram soon & will ask my doctor, but I'd similar to to hear first-hand from women that have Mirena. Oh, I also did check out their website (http://www.mirena-us.com/index.jsp). If you do not enjoy it but are in healthcare, I'd resembling to hear from you, too. Thanks in mortgage!

I was have a pretty moderate period next?

I have Mirena I own had it for almost a year very soon. I just turned 40 within May. I love having the Mirena IUD and yearning I would have gotten it sooner. I have heavy aching periods until that time getting and now I hold a very fluffy one once a month. I had annoying spotting for the first six months but it be nothing a pantyliner couldn't toy with. Any more questions consistency free to email me through this site.

What is vagina?

Provides lower and steadier hormones than the Pill
Won’t cause significant mass gain4
Easy for your healthcare professional to replace at the end of 5 years (or smaller number, if you choose)
May also shorten, lighten or even destroy your periods—after one year of use, there may be up to a 90% decline in menstrual bleeding, and 20% of Mirena users have no bleeding or spotting at all

No money and suggest i lost preg. ?

I would suggest you read all around the side effects of the Mirena IUD, I think women are not really aware of them (I myself do not use it but I reason one has to check adjectives b/c before taking them)


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