Better birth control... mini- pill or the normal one?

On Wednesday I am going to the GYN. I was wondering which type of birth control is best between the mini-pill and the regular one. I enjoy had fruitless luck with birth control and merely need a low dose. What are some birth controls you hold taken that caused little/no freight gain and what were your side effects?

Okay, don't gurgle..?

I had a great deal of issues with birth control, but immediately I'm taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, with categorically no issues at all. I'm within pharmacy school and one of the things I remember in fussy about the mini-pill is that you own to be VERY precise about taking it at impossible to tell apart time each year or it can really decrease its worth. The mini-pill is also somewhat less successful than estrogen-progesterone combination birth control anyway. Talk it over with you gynecologist.

I have a miscarrige 2 weeks ago and i am still bleeding i want to know why?

the reg birth control pill is estrogen and progesterone. the mini pill is just progesterone. if you hold bad reaction to the estrogen then the mini pill might be the bearing to go for you. i pocket the reg one and im fine. i didnt gain any weight.

is in attendance ne thing specific to drink or not.?

Completely depends on your body. The mini pill made me completely depressed, bloated,and I started losing my hair.
The combined worked ok for me, but I get spider veins. However, since I am prone to spider vein, I should have expected that.
I took Mircette, and have no severe side effects except the spider veins (and the certainty that my chest got huge). I gain 2 lbs total, but most of it was my chest- my pant and clothes still fit perfectly.
The mini-pill is smaller amount reliable than the combined, and you really need to lug it at the exact same time at every day. Also, you might experience more spotting,and it make cycle irregularities and acne worse. The combined pill regulates your cycle, is more reliable, and makes acne better. I took Mircette- the ultra low dose pill. As far as I know, it be effective, because I haven't have kids so far, and haven't been pregnant.
Overall, I like the combined pill better- less side effects and more reliable. However, if you hold ever had any unusual growth on the uterus, any fibroids, any history of breast or cervical cancer, if you smoke, or if you are nursing, you should not use the combined pill.
Many of my friends are using NuvaRing, and they are very glowing.
Use everything that I said as something a non-professional said from personal experience. Only your doctor is able to settle on which medication is right for you.

Going on the pill?

One thing you hold to remember is combined pills when taken correctly are 99.7% effective against pregnancy. Mini pills are just about 95% effective because they usually don't prevent ovulation and MUST be taken at like time each year or they are less decisive. If you take them more than 3 hours overdue you need to use a spinal column up method for 48 hours.

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