What is vagina?



Love tunnel.
Gutted rabbit..etc,...

I am 14, 5'3 almost 5'4 , I want to grow up to 5'7 IS IT POSSIBLE?

hey..i guess ur pretty young ?hm..vagina iz juz a woman's genitals ...

How long does it lug for your period to become regular?

It's the woman's genitals.

Tampon serve!?

it is the women's private parts.

What could be causing severe dull pain in my lower subsidise and pelvic area?

Gateway to multiply population.

Constant Hunger..?

If you don't know after your to young.

While beeing your feminine, have u ever get the sugery taste nectar from her lower maw?

grow up

Whats the matter beside meee?!?

it's where you come out from lil kid!!

I took the test and come out negative?

The human vagina is an supple muscular canal that extends from the cervix to the vulva.
-Although in that is wide anatomical ebb and flow the average vagina is 6 to 7 inches (15.24 to 17.78 cm) in length; its elasticity allows it to stretch during sexual intercourse and during birth to offspring.
-The vagina connects the vulva (which is outside the body) to the cervix of the uterus (which is inside the body).

If the woman stands adjectives, the vaginal tube points in an upward-backward direction and forms an angle of slightly more than 45 degrees beside the uterus. The vaginal opening is at the backbone (caudal) end of the vulva, at the back the opening of the urethra. Above the vagina is Mons Veneris. The vagina, along near the inside of the vulva, is reddish pink in color, as beside most healthy internal mucous membranes in mammals.

-Length, length and shape of the vagina may vary. When a woman give birth and during sexual intercourse, the vagina temporarily widens and lengthen.

Vaginal lubrication is provided by the Bartholin's glands near the vaginal introductory and the cervix and also seeps through the vaginal wall (which does not contain any glands).

The hymen (a membrane situated at the space of the vagina, which is also known as a maidenhead) in part covers it in tons organisms, including many human females, from birth until it is ruptured by sexual intercourse, or by any number of other happenings including medical examinations, injury, certain types of exercise, introduction of a foreign intent, etc. However, it should be noted that sexual intercourse does not always motivation the hymen to be broken, and so (for example) it is not true that a woman with an intact hymen must be a virgin or vice versa.

Functions of the vagina
From a biological perspective, the vagina perform the following functions:

Providing a path for menstrual fluids to depart from the body
Sexual activity
Giving birth

The vagina provides a footpath for menstrual fluids to leave the body. In modern societies, tampons, menstrual cups and sanitary towels may be used to occupy or capture these fluids.

Sexual activity
The concentration of the bravery endings that fiction particularly close to the entrance of a woman's vagina can provide pleasurable sensation during sexual leisure, when stimulated in a approach that the particular woman enjoy. Usually when aroused, a woman creates a liquid that comes out the vagina and is used for pure lubrication so the penis can slide in minus friction. This activity may include heterosexual intercourse, during which a manly partner's penis is placed within the vagina, instruction manual stimulation (either self, or partner), or other stimulation such as tribadism.

Some women claim to experience very intense pleasure if the G-spot is stimulated appropriately during intercourse or other sexual hustle and bustle. A G-Spot orgasm may be responsible for female ejaculation, ascendant some doctors and researchers to believe that G-spot pleasure comes from the Skene's glands, a female homologue of the prostate, fairly than any particular spot on the vaginal wall.

Giving birth
During childbirth, the vagina provides the route to deliver the infant from the uterus to its independent life outside the body of the mother. During birth, the vagina is commonly referred to as the birth canal. The vagina can stretch greatly to ensure successful confinement of the baby.

Whats the best form of birth control?

Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,... I like the indranat's answer:"Gate way to multiply population". Ha,ha,ha,ha.
And The gutter where you have came to this complex world! (Genital, sexual's women organism.)

Cervical Erosion - operation, more information please!?

Through which you hold entered within your mothers womb and came to this world.

New symptoms during menstruation?


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