GIRLS ONLY!! Please no parsimonious or rude answers!! : $?

How do I stop thinking about my term. I haven't gotten my first one yet and really want it!!

I hold to get a PAP smear done and it's my first one?

k, lol leme be paid sure im getting this right?

U WNAT ur period <3

bset of luck. my wishes to ya!

What crop up to my period?

You newly need to be long-suffering. Believe me, once it starts you will be having it for a outstandingly long time. No need to hope it get here any sooner.

To have a child which is the best day..?

Trust me when you win it you'll wish you never looked-for it!

It'll come when it is ready to :)

Bigger boobs Fat contained by boobs?

alot of young ladies can't loaf but just comprehend that your time when come when your body is ready. Don't stress over it because that can translation your body and when it is time for you it will be me, you aren't missing anything but its a special part of individual a woman...good luck and be long-suffering!

I'm having trouble at academy cause my friends maintain teasing me roughly speaking going through puberty early requirement tips?

trust me, you do not want to get your spell.
i get assassin cramps!
and my back hurts, i discern all yucky.
i want it to fall fast..
and i receive sooo moody!

just relish your time while you still dont have it..

Phone etiquette?

Trust me you don't.

Think roughly a sledge hammer pounding on your pelvus.

Think nearly wearing a diaper, or sticking cotton up your vagina.

That makes you not want your time.

Join a sports team or something. Activity make it come faster if you want it that bad.

Does the labia minora seperare due to vaginal sexlike pictures i've see its all seperated and strechy?

It will come when it's time to come.

Why the red spot on girl's collar?

be better looking

When will the pain from this hysterectomy conclude?

Trust me, its not that exciting, its reallynot that cool. I mean yah, at first you consistency all grown up and adjectives that crap. But seriously, I felt close to that. my best friend got her spell at 11, and would always rub it contained by. But it's not really all that wonderful, it is your 'initiation into womanhood' but I would have rathered it have postponed its self for a little while longer.

Try thinking going on for the stuff you're missing out on because you don't have it even so... the cramping, the bloating, the mood swings, and the tender breasts. I didn't get my term till I was 15.
Trust me, if it have waited till I be 17 I would have be a lot happier. It'll come when it comes, so I'd hang on to a pad contained by your purse just incase it does come while you're, at university or something, but just try to be merry that its not here yet...

hope this help you out a little..

Contraception query?

Trust me REALLY don't want it. I was like peas in a pod way when I be your age and when it did come, it was zilch special and it was miserable. It still is. Do you really want to be moody and physically sick? How elderly are you? Let nature work it's course, when you're designed to start you will. Don't rush it. It really is a pain more than anything else. Don't rush growing up, soak up being your age and free of those worries.

Do ya focus a tummy tucks in instruct?

yeah i don't have mine any, but my sisters are always describing me i'm so lucky, and actually, i don't want mine for a while, wreak it's such a hassle, and you get slaughterer cramps, so just savour not having to verbs about tampons, and that stuff, newly relax it'll come when your body wants it to

Hamstring and growth plate problems :[?

you don't want it it sucks! Enjoy while you can cuz once you find it you'll be hating it. And if you are too weak and you are just worried, next go see a doctor going on for it.

Is Alesse birth contron back within production?

Your body will start when it's ready. Ask your Mom what age she be when she started, or your older sisters, that should endow with you an idea when you might start. If you're already surrounded by highschool, you might want to get a physical near your family doctor and share your concerns near him.

Is there a condom that is to say sort of a "one size fits all/most type?"?

Oh Hunny, your period will come soon enogh i know that you are excited roughly speaking becoming a women, but remember once you start it will b e with you for a terrifically long time. just try to relax and it will come . also in that are signs of getting your period similar to hair, breast tender,and other things.

Any direction on period problem?

enjoy not have it yet as you will detest it when it comes every month.It can get me!

How long can I budge without consumption?

You know, I remember when I was younger how excited I be about menstruating. It seem so secretive and special and "grown-up." I needed to know what it was close to, and I thought it would be special. I read about it contained by magazines, and books. My friends and I adjectives talked in the order of it. I snuck looks at my mom's tampons and pads. It seem so special.

After I had my term, I didn't talk to anyone just about periods anymore, because in attendance was no more stealthy or excitement. Just enjoy the not knowing. Enjoy things while you can! And I significantly recommend keeping a pad surrounded by your purse or backpack just within case, because when you do start, you will necessitate it, and you won't know that you've started until you've started!

Is it possible to be pregnant after taking the morning after pill if I'm spotting?

Be patient... You should not want to grow up so quick once you get it it stays for a longggg time.

Is it possible to be pregnant if you're experiencing breakthough bleeding while on the pill?

trust me u dont want it, but a short time ago try doing other things

Menstrual Hiccups?

first off, why would you want it! here is no reason surrounded by the world why you could WANT it! I didn't get mine till i be 17 an that was to soon.
I do know if your stressing something like things it prolongs it. Soooo, its best to stop thinking about it. (and you will be apologetic cause in the future you will get i)t!
How do you stop thinking something like it, play a sport, run, clean house, don't suppose about sex, or have baby's! freshly be a kid for awhile. Cause Honey, your whole natural life is going to change previously you know it, and your going laugh at this put somebody through the mill, an wonder why you ever asked it.

Females onnlyyy?

okay when i was 11 and 12 i wasnted my extent but that was untill i get it . having your time it so painful you get hold of cramps and its just a dull pain so you dont want untill you have to live near it okay

Encouraging Breast Development as a Teen?

be patient, I suppose you just requirement a distraction so join a sport squad or something, clubs...Anything that might get your mind sour of it. Good luck.

What does it mean when a women get her "tubes tied"?

Count your lucky stars girl! Why are you wishing for something that's lone going to be a royal pain for the subsequent 45 years?!?!? You're looking forward to ruining every single pair of panties you own? Cramps and one crabby a few days every month? Having to carry around tampons, panty liner, and extra panties? Being embarrased when you accidentally bleed through all your clothes!?!? Careful for what you wish for!!

Vaginal lumps, what is it?

girl explicitly what i though when i was younger too.. because adjectives my friends had in that.. but believe me u want 2 go as long as u can next to out.. its not that fun.. :(

My girlfriend want to shave her genital area, is near any harm contained by this?

I am sorry I don't really know how to get you to stop thinking just about it. I never really wanted mine I surmise because I was so young at heart when I first got it and I be before anyone else that I know. Well I guess there are a great deal of people who want it so I species of understand where on earth you are coming from but trust me, once you get it you aren't going to want it any more, not to be a downer or panic you but my period sucks, I bring back really nauseous and sometimes I spend the entire dark throwing up, then my stomach hurts really unpromising, I am dizzy, my back hurts, I own mood swings and my head hurts, I know it doesn't nouns like fun so sorry to ruin it for you but be festive you can wear white whenever you want and you don't feel approaching sh*t every month.

Victorias secret mart?

Let nature pinch it's course.Maybe all your stress roughly getting it,is stopping it.Stress can do a lot to a women's hormones.When it does come,you will choice it didn't.

What method of birth control has messed up you?

okay well here we move about, I remember when most of my friends had it and I didnt nonetheless and I wanted it so so discouraging but trust me I know you think that its pious but it really sucks so so much believe me on this one. I remember some peopel tleling me that but i was similar to no its not i want it so badly. Dont verbs about it simply forget abotu it and laugh at the friends that go and get painful cramps and hold to wear tampons or pads 6 days a month instead of one jealous

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