Why have my breasts suddenly doubled within size?

I'm 26 and out-of-the-blue my breasts changed from very small to relatively big almost overnight! I haven't made any recent diet or medication changes. Has anyone ever hear of something like this since? (They are both the same size). The rest of my body is still remarkably petite and unchanged. I'M DEFINITELY NOT PREGNANT as I've have a period and a pregnancy interview.


Im 13 year old girl and im furry on my stomach upper lip and arms !?

As you said your breasts were too small.. the key-word call HORMONES. all woman hold a time in her duration that their body grow up suddently. your body is in transform you can not have duplicate body for ever the changes must be wait and for your rest of your body.But if you think that it is something worried see a doctor...

Please help out i asked a question a while ago going on for condoms being used after the expiry date i enjoy taken 3?

I have to enunciate although i do not have an answer to your interrogate I find that very unusual and interesting

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Lucky you


they are perverts...it might be a virtuous idea to jump to the doctor.

Do ur boobs get bigger during your spell?

Get thee to a doctor, fast. Changes resembling that, being that you're out of puberty and not pregnant, can be signs of abundant things, including infections, inflamations, and potential cancers. Don't play around next to this--get to your family doctor.

Ive get a really bad smell from down below and i shower ever sunshine what could this be ? very worried womanly?

Maybe you've been consumption things that contain hormones. 26 is a little too outdated to still be developing. Watch your diet, some foods are known to contain testosterone and estrogen.

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