After a total hysterectomy, what are the risks of not taking hrt or the necessities of taking them?


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This is not an easy to answer cross-examine based on the set information you give.

If you have a hysterectomy (total with removal of ovaries) and it be due to a cancerous environment, then you may NOT be the best runner for HRT.

If you had a hysterectomy due to fibroids within the uterus, prolapse of the uterus or reoccuring polyps with a proliferative endometrial inside layer, then you MAY be a nominee for HRT.

The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) is the largest study to date conducted on HRT.

However I caution you...the first cog of the WHI study was conducted on women who be on combination estrogen/progesterone pills. This is the part of the study that found a small increase in breast cancer, as all right as concluding that there is NO protection from heart disease on HRT, fairly finding that cholesterol levels surrounded by women did increase on HRT, thus leading to increased heart disease.

Since you no longer hold a uterus, you do NOT need a combination of estrogen/progestin. You simply need the estrogen component. WHI did do a second study on ERT (Estrogen Replacement Therapy), but stopped the study hasty based on the inconclusive and confusing results of the HRT (combination pill) study.

Here is a biddable link for you to check out...

There are risks and benefits associated next to every drug and even supplements that we take. Figuring out what is more benefical consequently risky for you needs to be done between you and your physican.

I also recommend that if you don't enjoy a gyne that knows nearly hormones, that you invest the time to finding one to consult with you who does. It can net a huge difference.

Really, HRT or ERT is not the enemy it's made out to be...again...risk must outweigh benefit in taking medication.

Know your risks and your benefits and ask ALOT of questions.

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This is a especially difficult question because the research on it is massively contradictory. Some of the studies say HRT can backing prevent heart attack, bone loss, etc. Others say that HRT, especially the combination of estrogen and progesterone, increase the risk of breast cancer and heart attack. Probably the best process to make a decree is to sit down for a good conversation next to your doctor to weigh the research, other risk factors you hold, etc. After having that discussion next to my doctor, since I've had a heart attack, I settled to discontinue HRT. Good luck in making a wise result.

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