Anyone have severe cervical displasia? I simply found out that I do and I was curious for some experience?

I haven't had a papsmear surrounded by 9 yrs and I am 29 years old. I go to the doc 2 weeks ago and he sent me to the doc I seen today. I thought I be going to have another papsmear today but didn't. He simply wanted to discuss my diagnosis. I know right away it was fruitless news. He say that I have moderate to severe displasia. I enjoy to go rear for a coloscopy or something like that? For a boipsy. I am worried. i have a nine year old-fashioned son who's father passed away when he was five. I don't want to check out of him. The only item that freaks me out so much is that it has be 9 years since I had a pap, ya know. Hell what if I hold had displasia for 5 yrs? Any info will be greatly appreciated! Thank You!

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I know freshly what u r feeling i be in your spot 1 yr ago exactly it is drastically scary item i was 25 at the time and simply went next to out a pap for 1 and half yrs but anyways the biopsy is what they did to me afterwards i had to hang about for the results from that it came put money on severe so i had to procure schedule for a leep be they took it out it was fearsome thing to be in motion threw but it is treatable and that is a concrete good point to hear i cant stress enough how much us women involve to keep up on our paps motivation this is so treatable i really truly hope u the best and just so u know June will be a year adjectives my paps have come back typical i got one comin up the 2nd i merely gotta pray everything is gonna be OK stay positive and good luck

Calling out to women!?

I would not get hold of too excited about it unless they come support and say it's cancer. Cervical displasia doesn't necessarily close-fisted that you have cancer. It medium there are cell change in the cervical tissue. Sometimes they will burn bad the affected tissue and other times they will remove the uterus. The simply thing you can do is hang around for your biopsy results and take it from near. Good Luck and God Bless !

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