What does BO smell similar to?

one time my friends were chitchat about ancestors with BO
and i be wondering if i smelled like BO but i don't know how BO smells approaching so i wouldn't know

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BO smells abundantly like a men's locker room. A mixture of musk, thunderarms, crotch-rot, sack sweat, and feeble socks. You probably don't know if you smell like it. Most individuals who do seem oblivious. Try showering everyday, using deodorant, and solitary wearing clean clothes.

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You would know if you smelled it.

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BO is simply "body odor"

so if you have "BO" your body smells.

and BO usually refers to a impossible body odor. and if your friends haven't commented on you BO, you prolly don't have it.

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nasty. here's teh lone way u'll find out:
do some rigerous excersize
DON'T wear and deoderant
and afterwards sniff ur armpits or feet
THAT is bo

This is scaring me! Advice please!!?

body odor. from not wearing deodorant, and wash to me it smells like onion or something rotten.

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BO just scheme body odour. Everyone has their own body odour believe it or not, of late some are more obvious and distinguishable. Make your best friend who won't gurgle at you give you a physical good sniff and later tell him or her to describe it hindmost to you. You can't detect your BO too well next to your own nose.


have you ever be in a gym or p.e?!?!

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