What is clitoris?

I am 16 yrs. My friends said a word "clitoris" in human science but ihave not read in any class about it.But i am highly excited to know about it

Sexual Appetite, What is considered unnatural?

that is the woman's "MAGIC" spot !!

A interrogate for ever one but its embarrassing so please dont put me down?

judging from your username, im pretty sure you know what a clitoris is already

Norithisterone effect on PMT symptoms?

type it into google and click metaphors, it should show you and if you are only 16yrs mature, then it may put you past its sell-by date for a while until you're old satisfactory

Are big ones intemidating?

its somthing in a vgina i think its the g spot

What to do? - girls just?

–noun Anatomy. the erectile organ of the vulva, homologous to the penis of the male.
[Origin: 1605–15; < Gk kleitorís, akin to kleíein to shut]

n. A small elongated erectile organ at the anterior division of the vulva, homologous with the penis.

1615, coined in Mod.L., from Gk. kleitoris, a diminutive, but the exact sense is unconvinced. Probably from Gk. kleiein "to sheathe," also "to shut," in reference to its individual covered by the labia minora. The related noun form kleis has a second plan of "a key, a latch or hook (to close a door)." Wooden peg were the resourceful keys; a nouns also revealed in L. clovis "nail" and claudere "to shut" (see close (v.)). Some medical sources tender a supposed Gk. verb kleitoriazein "to touch or titillate lasciviously, to tickle," lit. "to be inclined (toward pleasure)" (cf. Ger. slang der Kitzler "clitoris," lit. "the tickler"), related to Gk. kleitys, a deviation of klitys "side of a hill," related to klinein "to slope," from impossible to tell apart root as climax. But many sources nick kleitoris literally as Gk. "little hill." The It. anatomist Mateo Renaldo Colombo (1516-1559), professor at Padua, claimed to enjoy discovered it (De re anatomica, 1559, p. 243). He called it amor Veneris, vel dulcedo "the love or sweetness of Venus." It have been agreed to women since much earlier, as expected. Slang abbreviation clit first attested 1960s.

A small erectile body situated at the anterior portion of the vulva and projecting between the branched extremities of the labia minora forming its prepuce and frenulum.

A sensitive external organ of the reproductive system in womanly mammals and some other animals that is knowledgeable of becoming erect. It is located above or in front of the urethra.

I hold an irregular period! and I am single 13 I am soo scared!?


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