Is it possible? Really worried...need warning!?

Okay, so I've been on birth control for roughly 3 years now. This long-gone month I had sex next to my boyfriend and he didn't use anything as protection and just pulled out. I took my birth control respectively night and am supposed to start my length in give or take a few 1 week. A couple of days ago, I had discharge that seem like it have the slightest hint of blood within I had discharge that almost looked caring of brownish tinted? Am I just spotting previously my period, or should I be seriously concerned for another principle?

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If you're worrying about pregnancy, it's significantly unlikely that conception occurred when you be using a hormonal contraceptive and did not allow your boyfriend to ejaculate inside of you.

From the last 3 months my period d'not start automaticaly i have 2 purloin some medicen tell me point &solution

im not sure but go 2 a doc

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Spotting can start. If you are concerned call your OBGYN and breed an appointment.

What are some natural treatements (diet, vitamins) I can clutch increase my progesterone?

If you're on the pill, it's probably OK.

BUT if anyone here believes that by "pulling out" they can't get be exact CAN and WILL

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that doesnt seem to anomalous to me. birth control does wacky things. i used to be on it, and 2 of my friends are on it now and they enjoy thought they were pregnant tons of times bc of unnatural things teh bc has done to them

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Ovulations and period?

birth control can rearrange your extent... so your period might own just changed when it occur... i wouldnt worry in the order of it. but if your really nervous, christen your doctor

I have a cist on my ovary and it hurts?

you should probably only just have anal sex near him for a while now or at lowest until it clears up...

No period?

Well, it could purely be spotting, or it could be a miscarriage.

Not much to worry in the order of though, unless it happens again between cycles. If so, you should check in near your gyne.

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I would definitely be in motion to the Doctor. It could be nothing but it also could be something serious.

I enjoy Mirena and I never really thought about it but how do they whip it out and does it hurt?

my wife and i agree that you might be just a bit paranoid for nothing. but if it continues to be strange discharge later you should go see your OB

What are apt female matsurbation tips?

no BC change your body so dont be worried if you feel close to you are preggers just pinch a test or move about to the doctors

My problem is that i dont like wearing any compassionate of undies but my mom says to wear surrounded by periods! any alternative?

If you've be taking the pill every night, and you've never have the pill fail you until that time, I wouldn't worry more or less it.

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