Is this common (period question) (girls answer w/ experience)?

im 12, 13 soon this month
i got my period contained by august.
i always get expremely creamy periods.
i skip months so my mom thinks that its kinda approaching a makeup period when its extremely heavy
resembling soaking a pad in 40 minutes weighty
is this normal?
should i see a doctor asap?
i cant put in tampons eather, i come up with i have to break that "skin"
tips on that?

this help my soaking dribbling ewww daysin school
i miss track practice cuz its this heavy!

Who else is on their interval today?

Sweetie, I be the same way. I get my period when I was almost 12 and it be very irregular and very fatty at times. IT takes time for your body to fully develop hormonally and get to a regular agenda. Your period might be heavier, lighter, sooner, later for a year or two. Don't fret it unless you are soaking pad continually for more than a couple days.

I would have 6 or 7 day period and two or three of those would be heavy. If you are having trouble next to tampons, try the really small ones on a medium day when you are flowing ample to lube up well. It may be easier to insert it then. If your hymen is too tight, consequently all you can do is either try to work the tampon contained by or wait.

By the way...soaking a wad in 40 minutes is not in itself incentive for alarm. If you soak them for 24-hours straight, then yes. But I am in my 40's and can soak a super-plus tampon contained by under an hour on my heavy sunshine, no problem.

Good luck!

Sick, calling out.. woman issues?

Go see a doctor immediatly. I don' t want to scare you, but when I was your age I bled as fatty as you did and didn't get checked out soon enough, I bled so much I have to have 4 blood transfusions. I would definatly go to an OBGYN so you don't enjoy to experience what I did. They will most likely put you on the birthcontrol pill to make it lighter. They did this for me and my period are a lot lighter. Definatly go to the doctor.

What meds can i nick for really doomed to failure cramps?

It is slightly heavy. You say you get it in August, which isn't too long ago. It's ok; your body's still regulating. And it might not be on a regular schedule until your 20's! The human body can be pretty crazy at times, but this isn't something you call for to see the doctor about, unless you wanted to turn on birth control, but I'd say you're too young to shift on it now.

My interval be strange this time...?

its normal cuz my friend explicitly 11 had that exact same problem except she would bleed through in resembling 15 minutes. Once, she was on it for 52 days! well eventually she started taking this tiny pill every time that helps reduce it and it works sometimes, but i would really try tampons even if it hurts cuz they r sooo much better!and we do gymnastics so she can use them so she can still work out!

Body worries.?

you involve to see a doctor if you have to change your wad every 2 hours or so, and you are under that!
tampons, i haven't quite figure them out yet, but there are so several resources on putting them in. internet, books, your doctor, mom.

so, see a doctor.!
ps- you should talk to your mom in the region of this too.

Why am i doing this? is it from stress possibly?

No matter if you have have sex or not. Tampons will not "break the skin" that is an old wives account. If you buy tampons, there is usually a long Q&A for people who are spanking new to using tampons telling you when and how to use them. Good luck

Is it possible to??..?

no you should not be going through a pad every 40 min you stipulation to start seeing a gynecologist if you have not seen 1 but and let them know what is going on they say if you shift through more then 1 pad an hour next that's to much.

I'm 17...and still a virgin..i'm of late curious...what does it quality similar to to lose your virginity...??

yes it's normal to skip months and to have a weighty period. putting in a tampon doesn't hurt, and since you enjoy such a heavy flow that's what you should use.

How long should i waight to own sex?

yes its normal. if within is lot of clotting you should go to the docter. if not its completely average. some women get very beefy periods. if it gets to bleak i kno some one who uses a pad and a tampon.

If you miss a couple pills can you own a prolonged interval?

if it's getting in the track of your life, you should go see a doctor so they can abet you. soaking a pad in that amount of time isn't everyday. hope they sort you out!

I am a virgin, But I hold lately be have Oral sex and fingering.?

40 mins. is pretty hard core extreme. I'd see if a dr. can get you on Birth control to put together it lighter. I've had mine a long time and am heavy, but no where on earth near like that.

What is this?

economically im 14 and I have the same problem, but as 4 tampons, I use Playtex sport super. You'll bring back used to them with practice! Just be really calm when putting it surrounded by 4 the first time b/c if not then it hurts

Anything i can to to oblige my boobs grow? docs?

thats not commonplace
Go to a doctor.
They will probably give you birth control

How abundant of u...?

see a doctor i guess?

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Masturbating/Sex sound out?
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Too cagey going on for my length??
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