Why does my stomach twitch? I am not pregnant and own had this over a year. It is adjectives month long, everyday!

It feels close to a baby kicking, when your in the region of 4 -5 months along, It is around the lower left side and can also be surrounded by the middle of my abdomen. I own no gas and do not notice a difference when I get through or drink, not effected near bowel movements or when it is my time of the month. It does not hurt it just is annoying. Do any doctors know what this is and is at hand any treatment for it?

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I am not a doctor but it could be simply normal blood flowing through organs and throbbing.

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a spastic colon

Please! i want it so much!?

It's probably only just internal gas. Could be something neurological, though. You should ask a doc about it.

I missed finishing months period, & gain 15 lbs. My tubes are tied, tests influence Im not pregnate. HELP ! ! !?

Why haven't you gone to the doctor sweetie== i would definitely suggest coughing up the money to obtain checked out.

Girls, I need your warning!?

I dont think u should own waited this long
Time for you to acquire off the computer and pinch action and budge to a doctor
Could be somtthing serious

My siblings just asked me and i give them a stupid answer?

yeah my best friend has that. and havent figure it out yet. shes be to the best of the best doctors and they don't know. good luck finding out!

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I'm not a doctor or anything, I just enjoy the exact same thing you do. It feel pretty strange don't it. For me it is irritable bowel syndrome. Again, the only piece this syndrome does so far is I never know if I will be constipated or have diarrhea and it feel like a little one kicking. It's the muscles of your bowel moving the debris along.

Blessed Be

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You DO have 'gas' and the 'twitching' you are response is 'ambient gas' going through your system. You may not have 'actual farts' because most 'gas' comes out when you move your bowels ... but just to be 'sure' in that's nothing wrong, you should parley to your doctor about this the subsequent time you see him. Of course that 'assumes' that you have a regular doctor and will see him in the next six months for you 'biennial check-up' ... but don't 'verbs' about it, freshly remember to talk to him the subsequent time you see him.

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I am not a doctor...

But what you are describing, sounds like alike thing that occur in my body.

I hold fluttering and sometimes even what seems approaching kicking in the lower regions of my stomach and I even get nausea (especially when I devour bad food or drink a bad combination of food). When I go, I was told I have Poly-cystic Ovaries or PCOS. I am good and enjoy learned to cope beside it pretty well, it have been 6 years since diagnosis. Run a look into on Google and you will find lots of info.

I'm not saying you enjoy this problem, I just relating you what I have. Have you be to the doctor to check yourself? You should really go.

Hope this help you.


I have this problem too. I have a c-section and I thought that was what it be related to but my obgyn says it is probably digestive problems and that I frequent get IBS contained by the future. I'd ask the doctor and as long as it's not sore it's probably just the course your body does its thing.

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