Physical signs of term?

I have all the signs, close to whitish discharge, pubic hair and development. but i also have something else in my underwear. it wasn't blood, it was too brown but it wasn't poo because it be too close to the front of my undies and i dont know what it was. It comes off on toliet broadsheet too. im not sure if it is a sign of my period or something else. Please help. i talk to my mom but she wasn't sure either. im fifteen and im a late bloomer. but my mom get hers around 15 as well.

Answers:    It sounds like you're very well on your way to having your first length, however no one can say exactly when a girl will get hold of her first menstrual period, but usually girls will get it some time during puberty.

Some girls start puberty at age 9 or 10 where on earth others may start as late as age 15 or 16. Each girl goes at her own stride. So don't think that it's a bad point or that something is wrong if your friends start puberty a little earlier/later than you.

At the beginning of puberty, you'll spy that your breasts are developing and you're starting to grow a little hair beneath your arms. Hair also will grow on your genitals (pubic hair). In some girls, the time from the beginning of puberty to getting the first menstrual period may bring only 6 months, where as for other girls, it may bring longer and can take up to 3 years. Another sign is vaginal discharge fluid (sort of like mucus) that a girl might see or discern on her underwear. This discharge usually begins about 6 months to a year previously a girl gets her first period.

Every girl is different, and near is a wide range of middle-of-the-road development during puberty.

All I can say is that you should be long-suffering, it will happen when your body is ready.

I get my period when I was 13 (I’m 27 now).

Good luck :)
o.m.g. the EXACT same piece happened to me. totally serious i even asked a question in the order of it on here too. lol so glad thats normal. i have no clue what it is but a short time while later like a couple months BAM i get my period. im 13 and im on my 2nd period right presently. it SUCKS. i mean i was totally looking forward to it too. yeah. mistake. i get up up every morning and have cramps, and then my friends seize really bored of me complaining to them on aim for like an hour. sorry to put a damper on things. :) hope i helped :)

ps. the brown stuff isnt blood. i know what you mingy it doesn't look like blood and theres only resembling a little bit of it rite? its not ur period and you prob know that :) lol.
It could enjoy been blood. When blood sticks around in your female parts for a while before being introduced to the world, the exposure to the outside environment (besides your uterus) can produce it to congeal or turn blood. yes, the brown stuff is your period. they start off beside all kinds of unexpected colors-some girls even have black stuff coming out-its all ordinary, and as you get older they will start to look a bit more red. but don't verbs, you had your first period..
its call spotting. and its sign that you will get your period soon. its your body preparing itself for your actual time. i can't tell you how soon, but most likley within the subsequent few months. This is your period.The almost same thing occur to me a week ago.Everyone says it is my period.But I am not for sure.The one and only thing that is diffrent is I be spotting.Hope i helped=).
It is dry blood. After you get your period you may experience it after or at the conclusion of your period. So I would say that you should grasp it soon. Yeah, you are definitely getting your period. I remember that taking place to me as well. You will be getting your period particularly soon..
it is telling you that you are gettin yo period soon! that happen to me..all the signs are here so be prepared! Sounds like your starting your term. Welcome to womenhood!.
Blood Welcome to being a woman

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