My siblings just asked me and i give them a stupid answer...?

can you have sex surrounded by the water? isn't it doomed to failure since water go up and yeah

What are your remedies for Dysmenorrhea?

Sex in the shower is alright to do, but have sex in a tub or pool, is exceedingly dangerous because nouns goes up inside the woman and can bring damage.

Don't do it!!

Boobs getting bigger,missed spell,eating alot?

yeah its a angelic way to get hold of an it washes away any organic lubricants so it kinda hurts...

When does ovulation start for women?

i have see pornos in hose actually. I hold never done it! but i dont think river is gonna hurt you.

Urgent advice needed..this is a terribly personal question!?

Water similar to a shower or bathtub, no, within a pool yes. Those chemicals would be bad for the inside. Now that I contemplate, even a bath tub. Water is dirty time. Bath...maybe.Pool.don't do, lol.

Working out and pregnancy?

Sex in hip bath or shower water is fine.

Tampons sort me feel really clogged up and i own stomach aches when i use them what do i do, but i revulsion pads?

You can. It will be more difficult, not as fun, and not get the impression as good.

When I miss one of my hormone pills I start my monthly cycle.?

its desperate.. bath or pool. hip bath water still is dirty. within the shower its fine.

Serious sex question. Look at details because it's too long to write.?

Having sex in the sea is fine. Water doesn't go up near. But not all condoms are appropriate in the hose down, so check that out first if you are using one.

What are some facts on boobs?

It works but I do think that it's probalby not a pious idea because the chemicals will most feasible irritate.

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