Is this ordinary? GIRLZ ONLY! no boyz pleaz?

I turned 13 in demo and my mom said she had her first spell when she was almost surrounded by 7th grade and my cousin said she have her first period right beforehand her 11th birthday! And I still haven't had mine! Is this right?

I hold not had my length in 2years ?

im 12 and a short time ago got mine! its fine! dont verbs it'll come soon

Brown spots?

i didn't get mine until i be 14.

Should I call a doctor?

yeah, totally mundane. Some girls don't get it until then. It's not always inherent. Enjoy your freedom as much as you can before your monthly friend comes knock :\

Lump on my breast?

Enjoy your non period time.You will get it, and when you do,you will decision you never did.

If I go through planned motherhood, about how much will the birth control pill cost?

yeah your fine dont verbs! my mom didnt start tell she be 18 and i started when i was 12

I took a pregnancy testing and it was neg ative I be supposed to start 8 days ago. I use a condom every time?

Sweety, girls can get their interval from as young as 8 to even 17. It adjectives depends on your hormonal maturity and if you are strong or not. Yes, estrogen production is larger in big girls, so they capture their menses sooner.
Good thing is, the elder you are when you get yours, the greater the probability for you to grow taller, and the longer you'll be fertile (meaning your menopause will get subsequently, which is always good).

Honeymoon guidance?

Just cause inhabitants in your inherited got it at a spot on time doesnt mean you will bring back it then.

I want to lose solidity?

I did not have mine till I be 14 going on 15. If you are very alive and in sports, etc., you will start subsequent than girls who are more sedentary. I would not worry at adjectives. Many things affect it such as harmones, etc. Don't rush it, it will be here before you know it and afterwards you will wish it have not come!! Enjoy it while you can!!

Does Sanitizer Soap Stop Sperm/Semen Cells Getting A Girl Pregnant When Fingering?

Could be. Everyone is different. Don't worry, it will come soon satisfactory!

Going on Birth Control!?

i had mine when i be 11 my mom had hers when she be 13. it doesn't always run within the genes of your family. you'll probably hold it late

Question just about Lupron?

it is possible, everyone goes thru puberty at different age

however, in attendance are some females with tuner syndrome, they don't enjoy the necessary hormones contained by their bodies

so if you still don't have length by age of 18, you need to see a doctor

Premenstrual stiffness ?? Help !!!?

Don't worry Im almost 13 i don't enjoy mine yet. Neither do similar to 5 of my friends in title 7 I think also if your too skinny you don't carry it too early

anyways my sister never got hers until she be 16 so don't worry but when your sixteen and you still don't hold yours you might wanna see a doctor

but don't worry you still enjoy time for it

How does a lady make out that she is pregnent?what are the symtoms?

Don't worry, it'll occur. Enjoy the next few months or years short worry :-)

If you haven't menstruated by the time you are 17, see a doctor to breed sure there is zilch wrong.

I am 5'9 feet elevated and 140 pounds (only for females)?

Girls hit puberty or get their period at a different age your what most people would read out a late bloomer but don't verbs because you'll get your womanly curves and interval when your body is ready...

I missed my term this month and took many test that came backbone negativewhat gives?!?

most populace get their time of year from ages 8-16. (i got mine a month previously my 11th birthday.) So if you don't get your term in the subsequent three years, which i doubt will happen, see your docter.

What are the physical consequences of have too many abortions?

Hey. I get my period surrounded by grade 8. I be 13. I was a bit belated i guess but it came. Im skinny, That MIGHT own something to do with it. I own no clue. But It is normal to not own it yet. Most girls take it before the age of 16 or 17 i reason. Believe me, its not that big of a deal to not hold it right now. Its not great at adjectives. Unless you enjoy bleeding and have to wear what seems approaching diapers every month. Welll...unless you use a tampon. Hope i Helped

Bleeding due to the contraceptive pill?

your completely normal. my mom get her period on 6th position and i got mine in 8th. my sister get hers in approaching 9th. trust me its all roughly speaking you not ur family history.(how long and how heavily built you bleed runs in the family)

Sex headache ?

hey i wouldnt worry we adjectives have our period start at different times although they seem to start early now than contained by years gone by just delight in life while you can

Can have s3x w/ a man w/ large bunch damage urethra/bladder?

consider yourself lucky. i get mine when i was within 10th grade i guess that made me 16. i be really getting scared toward the extension though, because they say you should carry it before you're 17. but you've get plenty of time. and now that i enjoy it, i hate it. you're probably notice a lot girls around you getting theirs and you don't have a feeling normal or I don`t know you feel not here out, but embrace it. it's nice not to have to verbs about it. sometimes those who are really athletic or smaller thieve longer to get theres.

What exactly is a yeast infection?

In the United States, the average age a girl starts menstruating is 12. However, this does not anticipate that all girls start at matching age. A girl can begin menstruating anytime between the ages of 8 and 16. Menstruation will not come to pass until all parts of a girl's reproductive system own matured and are working together.

My period is postponed,pregnancy test denial?

you're fine, it's normal.
as mentioned you can return with it as early as 8, as i did mine.
everyone is different and not everyone get it at the same age.

Missed a BC pill, took it the subsequent day- then bleeding when i peed- consequently more bleeding--Help!!?

same here i got mine at 14 ur fine i waz a in arrears flower

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