Found lumps on my breasts?

I've recently found 2 massive lumps on my is on the bottom and is very clear..and the other one is on the other breast and around the right outer part. i'm 17, and smoke cigarettes..what are the likelihood of me getting breast cancer? i plan to see the doctor on april 13th.

After giving birth did you have a long doomed to failure period and hemorrhoids?

Well ive hear that a lump feels resembling a bee bee under your skin. You should receive it checked out by your doctor anyways just to be sure but if nearby large it could be only the place where resembling the milk goes or something similar to that cause sometimes i touch them right near my period

Heres some more information i found

If you interest a symptom such as a lump, nipple discharge, or changes contained by the skin such as redness or skin retraction, report this on the double to your doctor. The doctor will take a full history, asking question about when you first notice the problem and whether the symptoms change according to the timing of your menstrual cycle. Your doctor will examine your breasts and the lymph node areas lower than your arms and around your collarbones, and will outline a plan for further evaluation, which frequently includes a mammogram with breast ultrasound.

A worthy approach for both you and your doctor is to suspect cancer until it’s been ruled out and to move along to respectively diagnostic step promptly. If you or your doctor notice a lump or other abnormality, request an ultrasound surrounded by addition to the mammogram if your doctor does not suggest one. Mammogram plus ultra-sound is presently the standard of care. If you are premenopausal, your doctor may push for waiting and reexamining you after two menstrual periods hold passed; if the lump remains, he or she will refer you to a surgeon for biopsy. If mammogram and ultrasound do not show a cyst or a solid tumor, and you are past menopause, your primary vigilance doctor should refer you to a breast surgeon for further examination. Most breast surgeons will recommend a biopsy, because it’s preferable to use a honourably safe biopsy procedure than to assume a lump is safe when it’s not.

I get regular time of year every month on the 8th,but i havent got 4 this month all the same..i never had sex,what is wrong?

They could be cysts, or a mass build up of cell called begnin tumors (non-cancerous). Either road, you should really go to a doctor as soon as possible.

On the bright side, if it is cancer.. you are solely 17 and you caught it early. Thank piety for self-breast exams.

Good luck to you.

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