Does hose down Stop your Period?

my period right presently isnt that heavy its a bit light but its unexpected cause it doesnt come out...

Its fluffy so can water stop my time?
im gonna be wearing a black bathing suit..


How do you STOP worrying?I feel resembling i am a constant worrierand?

No, it just slows it down. If you are within water for 2 hours afterwards you have around 15 to 20 to receive to a bathroom before anyone notice. You usually have around 12 to 25 minutes to bring to the bathroom regardless of how long you are in hose. Hope this helps and you don't receive embarrassed.

Nipple pain after switching birth control?

Water usally stops it for a short period of time but as soon as you achieve out it's probably going to be a WHOLE lot more blood. It won't be heavier but its like how cuts verbs to bleed more when wet. Wear a tampon.

I`m have light bleeding after getting the depo shot more or less three weeks ago. Is this normal?

no zilch stops your period but mother personality

What is orgasm?

no you just cant see it surrounded by watter

How many holes do women own?

in general your extent stops in the marine... if u wear you might want to play it safe and wear a lantern 1. but if u dont, u should be fine. jst "scoop" all the blood u can out formerly u get surrounded by. after u are in for a while a moment ago go check your suit and "scoop" again if here is a need. worthy luck!

P*SSED OFF>>>>>REALLY P*SSED OFF please read this?

water doesn't stop your period it a short time ago slowes it down so some ladys feel as if it have stoped

Here is my whittle red dots question?

Boy, near all this communicate I am going to stop going in the swimming pools. Thanks very much!

I am 43 y o, cold & hot @ same time. Infection or menopause?

No i suggest you use a small size tampon/

Question around post-colposcopy?

no ur period simply slows down but if ur really worried then simply wear a tampon

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