Anyone Taken Ortho Tricyclen A Second Time?

I took Ortho Tricyclen (regular) for about a year and partly. Had battled next to hormonal acne for over 10 years, nothing really worked, but one on Ortho totally cleared me up (not a single zit). I gained 5 lbs. at first but consequently lost 20 lbs. (work related), no head-aches just mood swings (b-vitamins helped) and my time was regulated.

Anyway, I go off the pill 3 months ago because I considered necessary to increase my health smoothly. I felt fine on and sour the pill...the only big difference is gruesome acne. After a month off the pill I started to develop cystic acne and bump after bump adjectives over my face. Now my frontage looks like it's be dipped in sour (that terrible!)

I go back to my doctor and she looked at my facade and stated that the reason why I developed the acne be because my hormones are out of balanced. She put me final on Ortho Tricyclen.

Has anyone gone off of Ortho Tricyclen later went vertebrae on? Did it help beside acne the second time around?

Answers:    I have talk to women who have done Ortho-Tricyclen but not going rotten of it and then coming rear on it. I am also writing because I have the relationship to a site that may help you find even more information. The intertwine is at:

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