My spell come but it's not one and the same as usual..

So, usually, my period last for nearly 6 days. I'm usually very heavy on my first daytime and carries on to my second day, consequently it gets a little less significant after that. But this time, I was very neutral on my first day and it only last me 3 days and I was clean and done after that. Is that majority? Or there might be something wrong with me? Btw, I'm 20, if that make any difference =/ Thanks for any thoughts that are given!!

Answers:    Consistency isn't always consistent with period. Some women have heavy flow every other month near light flow on the in between months. If you aren't experiencing any discomfort, nearby is probably nothing to worry going on for. Your body is pretty good about letting you know when something is wrong. If you verbs to have a lot of variation, talk to your doctor about birth control pills. They are commonly prescribed to women to regulate their cycles.
that same article happened to me but 5 months inbetween since im 12:]
uhhh you should go to a doctor but it may be re-adjusting. NORMAL,
Periods other change.

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