Question going on for post-colposcopy?

About 4 weeks ago I had a colposcopy done and they scraped my cervix. The doctor said that I should be backbone to normal contained by 3-5 days. At 3 days my husband and I had sex (very gently) and I bled afterwards, so I figure it was to soon. Tried at 5 and 7 days after and like peas in a pod thing happen. It is not a lot of blood, I would enunciate heavy spotting. After those "tries" he disappeared for 2 weeks to go to the paddock (he's in the Army) and I figure surely by the time he comes home it will be fine. He just come home yesterday and we "tried" again and the same piece happened, and no it's not my interval, it's only after sex and for a couple of hours afterwards. What could be going on? I'm going to phone call my doctor Monday but what could they even do?

I started whereing abra in 2nd grade is that common?

Its possible that the biopsy site got infected and can't make well. Get checked by the doctor. I have have a colposcopy without problems. I own never heard of this taking place.

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