Dont get barmy get even and achieve everything?

here is the long story made the shrortest version i can possibly engineer so bear near me.met this guy like 22 months run;we started dating-are 2 years apart-and attended the same jr college and later transferred to the same is where on earth things get sticky:he have a freaking STD called CONDYLOMA-you do the research on that-and that can inflict cervical cancer in women;yes we slept together even when i know he had it-using protection as you would expect;i went to this really appropriate gyno and stuff and had the integral 9 yards done to engineer sure that i do not have it:papa smears,blood test and then get the Gardisal shots whic after ionsurance wer $100 a pop and i needed to do 3 of them at different my now ex and later bf does not even pay for my medical bills-gyno bills-which included my doctor fees,the Gardisal fees,the rest of things i have done,yet my parents be stuck with a couple hundreds of dollars surrounded by bills-$300 just from the shots alone after insurance!-and we are 3kids!what the hell?

Need facilitate with womanly probalms? see details..?

why would he have to foot for YOUR mistake, you knew. if your gonna be nutty be mad at be your decision, so live next to it!!

Contraceptive Pill for 8 years?

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOahhhhhh Your ex is in NO WAY repsonsible for your medical bills. There be no one holding a gun your go before when you had sex near him and no one forced you to go and get examined nor to get the shots. You did adjectives of this on your own. Your ex is not responsible for any of this. Unless he raped you there are no court or moral grounds for him to be repsonsible for your bills. It's time you grow up a bit and realize that you did this on your own. If you weren't willing to risk everything after why did you even have sex contained by the first place. If you are not mature satisfactory to handle the risks and be responsible for you own powerfully being next you would be wise to not hold sex until you are married. Yes this is rough but you are trying to shift the blame for all of this on to your ex boyfriend when it is not his problem.

Do any girls here own that surgically done birth control? Not tubes tied.?

u knew what u be getting into so stop crying about it very soon and pay for ur own sh*t


What the heck. I suggest you should have rewarded for the Gardasil vaccination! By the age of 50 80% of women enjoy HPV! God you act close to omg you should have remunerated for it so I don't get cervical cancer! Ugh. No one care.

Would an INFERTILE woman still get her monthly menses?

You know he had the STD, you chose to sleep beside him and now you want HIM to clear for your medical bills? You need to grow up and steal responsibility for your actions. You should be paying for these medical bills, not your parents. Your parents should not be financially responsible for your sexual choices. If you consistency your parents have be "stuck" with a bunch of bills, you enjoy no one but yourself to blame. You're lucky you get out of this with your strength and parent's who don't mind footing the bill for your careless choices. Learn from your mistake, take responsbility and foot your bills like grown ups do contained by the real world.

Wow, after reading your added details, I can truly say, "GROW UP, LITTLE GIRL! YOU ARE SPOILED."

I don't know what to do, my husband say my vagina has a funny odor?

If you sleep beside his best friend, just net sure you pay for adjectives his medical bills, ok?

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