If you forget a tampon, how long does it lift for symptoms, and what are they?

I've heard roughly this happening, and am benign of absent-minded myself, so I figure it would be worth knowing what exactly to look for and when. I always assumed that if you have a tampon up there for a while, or put a second tampon within, you're body would definitely permit you know something was wrong... But I only remembered reading about someone who manage to get 6 tampons stuck up near without notice.

Answers:    Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is the infection that can be caused by going away a tampon in too long. It's a staph infection that have symtoms a lot approaching the flu including high confusion, muscle aches, headache, and idea faint.

You could try to calendar changing your tampon at indistinguishable time as other events: first thing surrounded by the morning when you get up, lunchtime, right after work/school, since bed (or wear a pad to bed, which is better). That style you're less feasible to forget.
Maybe if you used the tiny little tampons you could get 6 up within.but the ones with the cardboard applicator...no approach! You'd feel that puppy the second you started ram another in. Don't verbs about it. You won't own a problem. That person must own just given birth to bring back that many stuck up within and not know it. As the tampon gets full you'll touch it because it swells larger the more it gets within it. Some don't do that they just pack up and you start leaking. The smell can be foul as if you're smelling something departed and rancy.
they can't actually carry "stuck". they have no where on earth to go! could potentially be embarressing, but relax and try to acquire it out! if not, jump to your doctor and get relief. tss (toxic shock syndrome) is very serious, and could do death. you can read going on for it in any tampon box.

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